Inspired to Overcome

Our traumas and adversities are meant to lift us up, to awaken us and to inspire us to overcome. For when we do overcome and triumph, we become a testimony for those who need to be uplifted, awakened and inspired to overcome. Danny G. 

Be Sensitive

It’s easy to get pulled into fear. The fear of what may be, the fear of lack, the fear of illness, and the fear of adversities. Your environment and conditions can pull you in if you allow it. Be sensitive when your mind wanders into fear. Be mindful when you steer off course. Just as fear can grapple you to the ground, so can faith and optimism become essentially who you are. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

You can allow your adversities to control you and determine the rest, or you can declare your self control, discipline and that you’re destined for greatness. Danny G. 

Learn From Your Past

Looking back perpetuates the past. Learn from your past, understand it and accept it, but let those past hurts and disappointments be a teacher for your personal growth and expansion. Let go of negative attachments and embrace the new. Danny G.  

Always Rediscovering You

You’re always rediscovering yourself anew. Once you overcome one challenge, another one presents itself for your growth and expansion. Don’t fight the process, be open minded, and allow this challenge to be your next breakthrough. Danny G. 

Already Within You

Out of your darkest hours, you found relief from a mentor or teacher. You went to him in your deepest despair for answers to your adversities. Everything he taught you resonated with your very core. Everything he taught you was already within you waiting to be awakened. You just needed a reminder from your soul. Danny G. 

A Great Success Story

Sometimes you need those painful experiences to push you forward and grow. You may not see it now, but if you dare to see past the challenge with persistence and faith, those adversities will turn into a great success story and triumph. Danny G.