Think greater than your adversity. Be bigger than the problem. See the challenge as under your feet. That is the definition of faith. Stretch your faith a little more each time you face your challenge. If you keep on stretching, you won’t waver and doubt, and you’re well on your way to your destination and dream. Danny G.
The Greater Version
Adversities can strengthen you if you allow them. You can allow the challenges to weigh you down, or you can allow them to empower you to be a better you. Strength comes from not giving in when life is hard. It’s persisting despite the odds. It’s persevering to your dream regardless of what others say. It’s saying you’re only meant for my ultimate best, and I don’t resist you. I allow you to shape me into the greater version of myself. Danny G.
Stillness and Tranquility From the Soul
You’re a slave to adversities by your incessant resistance to it. When you dread challenges, you intensify it. When you fear it, you intensify it. When you feel at peace despite the discomfort, you embrace your power and freedom. You can be at peace with anything, and when you realize this, you embrace your greatest potential, and you walk into the unknown with stillness and tranquility in your heart and soul. Danny G.
Changing Your World
Happiness and inner peace is not about denying your adversities. It’s learning to acclimatize to your challenges while knowing mindset is key to inner joy and abundance. If you allow it, your adversities can keep you stuck in a rut always seeking to change the events and circumstances. Seek first to change your mindset, and everything else follows. Your only control and power is your mindset and emotions. Change that and you’ll change your world. Danny G.
Always Remember
Always remember that the storm will surge in at times, and the mountain may seem insurmountable sometimes. As the God or Goddess you are, nothing can pull you down, and nothing can intervene as you’re destined to triumph. Danny G.
Shift Your Mindset
Instead of focusing on the barriers obstructing your path, shift your mind set to the limitless possibilities and abilities within you. Shift from I cannot, to how can I? Focus on the solution and desired outcome. Whatever your motive and intention is, you move towards. Danny G.
Let It Become You
The greatest barrier is not moving past the psychological road blocks. The road blocks appear in the form of fear, pessimism, bitterness or anything negative. On the other side of negativity is clarity, faith, peace, optimism and compassion. You must seek to find it. Practice it, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Quote for Today
You can say to the adversity, I will rise or I will be defeated. The choice is up to you. Danny G.
Focus on the Comeback
You can allow setbacks to turn you bitter and pessimistic, or you can allow setbacks to overcome and thrive. Everyone can make a comeback and prosper, as it’s all in the mindset. Just don’t get so caught in the setback that you forget about your strength and potential within. Focus on your comeback, not the setback. Danny G.
Conquered the Adversity
At times adversity will tell you to return to previous behavior and outcome. Everything can tell you it’s impossible and beyond your reach. Just as the masters conquered the storm and spoke to it in faith, so can you speak to your adversity, understand and overcome it. Danny G.