When the challenge becomes too difficult to bear, we push away, because we fear the unknown. If we would see what lies ahead with steadfastness and perseverance, we would know, with a little push forward, lies our breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Do Not Condemn Darkness
Do not condemn darkness, for out of every creation stems darkness. If there was only light, there would be no contrast or striving for greater. For it’s out of the darkness, that visions are born, that art and inventions are created. It’s out of the darkness that we find a light to bring us back home. We follow the light, overcome barriers and obstacles, just to find the light. We have detours and at times delays, but we always find our way back to the light, the destination and journey, to bring us back home. Danny G.
Creation and Fate
You want a rule book for eternity when life is a constant unfolding of new experiences and challenges. New experiences and challenges require further clarification and insight. Don’t depend solely on another, and don’t depend on fate. Create your own fate, and let God handle the rest. He is always willing to assist and intervene. Danny G.
Failure and Winning
Failure is staying down when life knocks you down. Spiritual warriors allow their failures to blossom into something beautiful. They allow their failures to teach them, to motivate them, and to create beauty in the midst of learning and remembering what they once knew. Danny G.
When you live unconsciously, it can be described as sleepwalking and oblivious of what to do. Living unconsciously puts all types of barriers on your path which become a hazard over time. The earlier we live conscientiously, the greater our choices will be, and the greater our clarity and peace of mind will be. Danny G.
Be Open Minded
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The challenges we face brings us self awareness on whatever we need for expansion and personal growth. Be open minded, and the world will bring you the essence of whatever it is you’re seeking. Danny G.
The Same Energy
Whatever someone achieved, you know if he or she did it, so can you. Your only problem is not wanting to take that step of faith and persistence. You feel frozen, and you feel it’s beyond your capabilities. Trust that everyone is made up of the same energy that creates worlds. My advice to you is, create your own world. Danny G.
Every Milestone
Sit with your past self. Tell him how far he’s come. Tell him the hardships were created for a purpose, and there’s meaning within every milestone. Tell him there were lessons within each adversity. Tell him it will all be ok in the end. Tell him this is my declaration and so shall it be. Danny G.
You Control the Destination
Declare this adversity is for a greater purpose. Your only role is being your best where you are, with what you have. The adversity can be a blessing or a curse, as it’s all in your perception of the challenge. Create a blessing, not a curse. You’re in control of your destination, as you mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G.
An Empowering Thought
The fear and dread may come back time and time again. Some things are hard to forget. The goal shouldn’t be to forget, as it should be to replace it with an empowering thought. The more you replace it, the more the negative thought dissipates. Replace it enough, and that negative hold will vanish. Danny G.