When adversity comes knocking at your door, take it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge. Take it as an opportunity to seek wisdom. From within lies your answers and solutions. Seek within, and you’ll discover your strength, your power and your potential. Danny G.
Faith Over the Battle
The battle is fought with your higher self. The battle is fought with your wisdom, faith and compassion. From this source stems all infinite intelligence and limitless power. Go forward knowing God dwells inside you, and he is guiding you. Know that integrity and honesty wins the battle with God’s love and compassion. Danny G.
The Greatest Peace
Your greatest goal should be seeking inner peace. For when you have inner peace, the battle doesn’t wear you out incessantly. When you have inner peace, you’re happy and free. When you have inner peace, you radiant joy, success and prosperity. Danny G.
Rise Up
Be grateful for the adversity that shaped you into who you are today. Be appreciative that you didn’t surrender to it, believing it controlled you. You rose up every time it struck you, and you came out better than you were before. To me, that is the definition of true success. Danny G.
Causing You to Soar
Don’t allow the adversity to overwhelm you and cause you to surrender. Allow this challenge to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, and cause you to thrive. Nobody is without weaknesses, and the world is full of imperfections. Allow these imperfections to cause you to soar, high enough that the worldly calamities and treachery cannot touch you, as they remain far beyond and under your feet. Danny G.
Embrace It
That challenge or adversity was only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny and triumph. Don’t resist it, embrace it, feel it, and allow the inspiration to guide you, lead you, and cause you to thrive. Danny G.
Utter Satisfaction
Satisfaction is knowing you’ve done everything you could to be the best version of you. Satisfaction is being your best where you are, with what you have, and being grateful despite the adversity striking with ferocity from time to time. It’s knowing seasons come and go, sometimes without a warning in site. Your only power is being the best you, and allow the universe to work its magic. Danny G.
Intuition from the Divine
Every challenge and adversity speaks to our soul on some level. Some people embrace it, move forward, and thrive. Others allow the challenge to control them, while allowing the tide to overtake them. There are the ones who listens to the situation, contemplates, reflects, and turns their mountains into an achievement that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G.
Perception is Everything
Dear mountain of mine, maybe I cannot change you at this present time, and perhaps you’ll remain for a while. Nevertheless, perception is mine, and I choose to see you for what you are. You’re simply a creation of mine, impermanent, but permanent in the lesson you imprint in my heart. Danny G.
The Power of Faith and Triumph
What is true spiritual mastery? It’s being able to remain in alignment when everything around you is in chaos. It’s staying in balance, when you’re aching, or grieving. It’s loving the unlovable, and forgiving the perpetrators, no matter what pain they have caused you. Gaining mastery under the bright colored sun, is good, and worthy, but gaining mastery within the storm is true mastery. When you know this and master this, nothing can pull you down, and the power of faith and triumph is in your hands. Danny G.