If we simply be who we truly are, and do what resonates with our higher self, everything we want will come to us at the ideal time. But if we lose our alignment for a job, lover or any other endeavor, we’re depending on something outside of ourselves and we lose our power. When we focus our thoughts on an inner calling, we must be diligent to stay on course and keep our balance. Let’s not cling to something outside of ourselves, let’s cling to our alignment with ourselves, which is ultimately our greatest power. Some jobs or lovers are only meant for a season and some are meant for a lifetime. The ideal choice would be to seek first our alignment with our source and let go of the rest. Trust that the season will bring the perfect person or opportunity, and the next season will take care of itself. Danny G.
Reconnecting With You
The best approach to reconnect with our soul and have inner peace in the chaos of today is to cut out distractions. When we are focused merely on the physical world, we have all types of distractions that steer us away from our inner guidance, and inner peace.
We must learn to be of the world but not let people conform us to their beliefs and expectations. The world can be a noisy place if we’re paying attention to everything and everyone but ourselves. The problem begins when we get too focused on this external reality and forget our true purpose which is our spiritual evolution.
When we focus too much on the external, we get distracted from our beliefs and expectations which ultimately defines who we are. Then we allow the world to conform us to their ideal of normalcy or reality.
Without realizing our change of perception, we allow people to change our beliefs and expectations to thoughts of pessimism, bitterness, and vulnerability, and then we call these thoughts reality. We also allow people to tell us what we can or cannot do, and we focus so much on their perspective that we forget our own power.
Words are powerful and we’re consistently hearing words every day, and the more we hear them, the more we contemplate them, and the more we contemplate them, we create that reality.
We get accustomed to other beliefs and expectations which steers us away from our inner guidance, and in some cases it steers us away from healing. The universe is a creation by God and humanity and your life is a creation by your past thoughts, words and actions. What we see in our individual life is a reality created by ourselves and our environment, and whomever were a part of our lives.
The problem begins when we get sidetracked with information that doesn’t agree with our inner self and we allow this information to take root. We get distracted from our soul’s purpose and we allow this distraction to change us into someone we’re not.
We need to accept everyone’s beliefs and expectations while not allowing them to steer us off course and away from our destiny. We should eliminate all beliefs and expectations that don’t agree with our higher self, and acknowledge the beliefs and expectations which are aligned with our source and creator God.
The best approach to reconnecting with you is to spend time every day without any distractions and focus on you and God. Five, ten or fifteen minutes may be enough to give you inner peace and focus while not allowing the world to change you into someone you’re not.
Focus On You First
There’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first, since you cannot help others if you lose your alignment. How many people lose their balance if they do everything for others and they do nothing for themselves? People often become depressed if they neglect themselves in the process of trying to help or please everyone but themselves.
We need to keep a balance and do those things which allow us to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes all that’s needed is a little time to unwind doing something that relieves stress and brings joy.
Stress is the number one factor in creating disease, so wouldn’t spending time unwinding be logical to remain healthy? Exhaustion is another reason people develop health conditions. Sometimes all that’s needed is more time distracting ourselves from everyday problems. How many people can you help if you’re not in alignment? And how much assistance can you be if you’re not in alignment?
You’ve been programmed to believe that sacrificing your happiness is the correct way to live, and the noble thing to do. You’ve been programmed to believe life is about helping and pleasing everyone but you. You’ve been pressuring yourself to believe there’s only one way to live.
Think a different thought such as how many people can I help if I am in alignment? You keep your balance by being spiritually connected since you’re a spiritual being who needs to remain connected to its source.
You remain healthy and ready to tackle your problems by keeping a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and sleep. Most important it’s by being spiritually connected through meditation or prayer, or anything that allows us to connect to ourselves on a spiritual level.
Why have we concluded the noble thing to do is sacrifice our happiness for others? I understand there is a level of sacrifice that we should do for others, however, there is also balance. I understand many people have traumatic events in their lives with their loved ones, and they need to put more time and energy for their family or friends sake. But don’t make the mistake of neglecting balance, since there is always a little bit of time we can reserve for ourselves to recharge the battery, and live more meaningfully.
We have no control over others other than the influence we give them through the clarity of our example. We can pray for them, we can teach them, but ultimately it’s their life and choices. Focus on you first and then you’ll be in a much better place to make a difference in the world and in the lives of your loved ones.
Getting Realigned
What happens when our spinal cord gets out of alignment? Eventually the misalignment shows in our posture, perhaps in the way we walk, and it can sometimes lead to pain or discomfort. The same applies when we get out of alignment with our source, God. We become too focused on things and physicality as our only source of happiness and success. We get overly consumed with what matters to our physical senses, and we forget about our spiritual essence, and our true reason for being.
We’re so focused on the outer world of deadlines, promotions and material possessions that we forget about our spiritual evolution. Are we here merely to acquire more things, for job status, or for some sort of recognition? There’s nothing wrong with wanting wealth or prestige, but the problem lies when “things” become our only pursuit or idea of success.
Let’s say you lost all your material possessions and all the revenue you ever had, what happens afterwards? How will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you choose things or wealth as your identity or happiness, and you lose it, then you lose yourself in the process.
Let’s say you lost your reputation, or you lost your lover, how will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you say I don’t know who I am anymore, then you’ve made things, physicality, or recognition, your identity.
No wonder people get confused or breakdown when they lose their home or spouse or reputation. I believe it’s normal to feel grief when we lose these things, the problem lies when we make things or physicality our identity or our only source of happiness.
Are you depending on things, or another person for your alignment? If you depend on anything outside yourself for your alignment, you lost your control over your happiness and the unfolding of your life.
You cannot control people, events and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to people, events and circumstances. By controlling your reaction, you just shifted the overall unfolding of your life in your favour. Alignment is not through things or people, it’s through your relationship with you and God.
Are you focused endlessly on deadlines, promotions or the next raise that you forget about self-care? An analogy would be someone running a marathon who sprints the first 10km, only to have him end up quitting half way.
The other alternative would be to take time for yourself, and reconnect with your higher self, while meeting deadlines and at the end of your work week, you’ll say: “Great, the weekend”. And after the weekend, you’ll say: “Great, back at work for another week”. The only way to find your balance back is through your source, not through things.