Truly Fulfilled

Impatience is not being at peace in the present moment. For if you had inner peace and joy, you would already be truly fulfilled. When you’re impatient, uneasiness sets in as you grapple with peace. If you would know there’s an ideal timing for everything, you would stop trying to force it into being. You would smile in appreciation knowing every season has a reason for being, and each season has something to learn, and something to embrace. Danny G. 

Release the Shackles

Release the shackles beneath your feet, and embrace the stillness within. You were born into freedom, and your dreams are calling you within. Every breakthrough began with one single step, a step towards freedom and unconditional love. Appreciate it, live it, go forth, and be a shining light to the world. Danny G. 

Simply A Remembrance

Don’t beat yourself down into a rabbit hole with no means of escape. Appreciate where you are, look around at your own creation, the good, the bad, and recognize it’s all part of your divine journey. Acceptance is key to feel peace with yourself, and acceptance is key to release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to moving forward with joy and gratitude in your heart, knowing the burden was simply a remembrance of your ultimate potential and gifts. Danny G. 

The Journey and Destination

Life is an unending journey, for you never cease to exist, nor will you ever have it all figured out. You will always have new dreams to hold onto, and further insight to gain. Don’t seek merely the end product, seek the present moment and all you can do with it. Then the journey will reveal itself along the way, as you appreciate and find pleasure in the simple things. Then the simple things become bigger things in this unending process we call life. You then look back and say the journey is the reason for being, and the destination is the reason for the journey. Danny G. 

The Right Type Of Motivation

Appreciate the whole of who you are, everything that brought you to this very moment, and your environment, for it molded you into the essence of who you are. Motivation that stems from unworthiness and sympathy never brings true joy and fulfillment. Take what you have, plant a seed and watch it bloom into a mighty oak tree. Danny G.

Mastering the Mind

The more you become in alignment with the divine, the more good you attract in your life. The more you think as the God or Goddess you are, the more you master the mind. Delve into your spiritual evolution, and make it your primary focus, and then when your future self stares back at you, you’ll feel utter joy and appreciation for the great I AM! Danny G. 

The Way Back Home

Life has a way of knocking us on our two feet demanding change and growth. It has a way of waking us up to realize we have everything we need to be happy and have peace. Remember gratitude and appreciation in those moments of silence and solitude, or when you’re with loved ones savoring the day. Then when those moments of silence disappears, remember you always know the path that leads you back home. Danny G.

Self Worth

Self-worth is a reflection of you, who you truly are, and it unfolds the journey before you. Embrace yourself, appreciate the inner you, while knowing the outer self changes when you realize your worthiness and potential within. Danny G.

Savor It

Moments pass, and years accumulate,

Into a world we once perceived. 

Nevertheless, it’s all creation

As though an artist paints and moves the clay.

We stand still, in silence, 

We can hear the music play,

The music plays in harmony

Of the present, past,

Smudges of paint

And some a masterpiece.

Some moments vanish,

But memories still remain, 

As we contemplate

Those distant memories again.

Some brings joy, 

And some sadness,

Always lessons and wisdom 

Contained within.

Let’s sit here, appreciate 

What it brought the journey within.

But let’s never forget

To savor it all,

And that includes the gift of today. Danny G.