You’re scared of believing a new philosophy. You’re scared of letting go of the old. Whatever has been passed down to you, you hold onto it relentlessly. Don’t be scared of the unknown, for out of the unknown lies your greatest vantage point to create anew. Danny G.
Self Acceptance is Letting Go
Self acceptance is letting go of negative attachment and baggage. It’s accepting your imperfections and the world’s imperfections. It’s self awareness, transformation and change to create a greater you and a greater humanity. Danny G.
A New Opportunity
Don’t allow past trauma or guilt to create your life today. Every day is a new opportunity to begin anew, and manifest your dreams. Waisting your time on past trauma or guilt only steals your strength and energy. Be productive the right way by letting go of negative attachments. Focus on your present and future. This is your opportunity to be the deliberate creator you’re born to be and bound to thrive. Danny G.
Contemplate your negative habits. Reflect on which habits are conducive to your health and happiness, and which habits are conducive to greater strife and lack. Let go of negative attachments, and embraced the new. Danny G.
The Intentions for the Journey
You can get so attached and entwined in this reality, you forget about hope and faith, and why you embarked on this journey. You get twisted up, and tangled, forgetting there’s always a means of escape. So seek within, know your power, declare your faith, and you’ll discover a wold inside, always willing to bring you back home. Danny G.
Best Version of You
Don’t become so immersed and attached to others’ problems that you neglect your own well being. For you care and you want to help, but being overwhelmed with every life challenge will only wear out. If you want to help, take care of yourself, so that you may be able to give your loved ones the best version of you. Danny G.