Thought for Today

You think you have someone figured out by external appearance, but you don’t know his true self. Only he and his source know who he is. You create all types of prejudices and misconceptions based on your beliefs. One perception doesn’t define everyone and everything. Everyone has their own perceptions and beliefs. Everyone has a story and a reason for being. Condoning is not the answer, but prejudging before knowing their inner world is not the answer either. Love, accept or let go. Danny G. 

Always A Chance

Wherever you are with whatever you have, you are authentic and the world needs your gifts and talents. You are meant to shape this generation. When in fear, remember source is always listening, giving you inner guidance and the chance to spark change in your unique way. Danny G. 

Your Own Unique Way

Wherever you are, you have a reason for being. From the tiniest village to the great metropolitan cities, your authenticity and uniqueness needs you. Your creativity needs you. You have a purpose within you. Be your best where you are with what you have, and you’ll spark change in your own unique way. Danny G. 

Your Soul Tribe

Creation is authentic. Creativity is unique. When you allow your creation to be altered to a point where it no longer reflects you, you lose your authenticity and uniqueness. Don’t seek to follow the masses. Seek to be you, and your soul tribe will follow you. Danny G. 

Follow Your Authenticity

Don’t allow your infirmities and failures to create your life and future. Follow the minority, not the majority. Follow your authenticity, not the trend. Deliberately create without conforming to a system. True mastery lies in self awareness about your potential and gifts within. Danny G. 

Be Original

We’re born with unique abilities, talents and gifts within us. We’re born with authenticity and creativity. Don’t try to live someone else’s life, or copy the idols of the world. Be original, not generic. Danny G. 

Learn To Be You

We create barriers with ourselves thinking there is only one right road. We create barriers by pushing away contrast. We create barriers by fighting against our challenges. Just as the river flows downstream, learn to flow with it, not against it. Learn to be at peace nevertheless. Learn to have joy despite the imperfections of life. Learn to be you in the midst of chaos. Danny G. 

Be You

The life we have now is an accumulation of our thoughts, actions and environment. We think it into being through the years. Some thoughts are subconscious. Learn to be conscious more. Learn to be deliberate more. Learn to be you more. Danny G. 

Your Capabilities and Unique Abilities

The external may last a season, but your faith, wisdom and compassion lasts eternally. You may forget at times, or you you may get lost in the wilderness. Adversities may strike, or opposition may seem too great to conquer. Always remember as a reminder, you can always go back to your source. Your source remains inside your heart and soul where all answers and solutions are at your fingertips, capabilities and unique abilities. Danny G.