Don’t allow others to persuade you into someone you’re not. Everyone has the right to be themselves. Our authenticity and uniqueness calls us to be the greater version of ourselves. Don’t suppress it, or settle into mediocrity. You have something to share with the world, and that includes you. Danny G.
An Extension Of Divinity
Do not fall into the trap of envy, for you have much to live for and much to give. Every person is authentic, and we all have our gifts to share for our evolution and the evolution of humanity. Merely envying others is denying your own power and potential. It’s denying who you came forth to be. Fully treasure yourself as an extension of divinity in your journey to success and triumph. Danny G.
Stop suppressing your creativity. Your creativity is what you came for to be. Your creativity is your passion and calling. Allow your uniqueness and authenticity to shine through. Creativity is inspiration, motivation and insights for your zest of life. Don’t suppress it by following the system. Embrace your gifts, potential and who you truly are, a Phoenix born to thrive. Danny G.
Meant to Thrive
Don’t accept excuses for being mistreated or abused. Understand its origin, but know you are worthy of respect and acceptance. Never become the victim. Nobody is perfect, and everyone has their journey and upbringing. Don’t let the past define you, and don’t let anyone else define you. You are unique, authentic and you have something to share with the world. Define it as the deliberate creator you are, that’s meant to thrive. Danny G.
A Product of the Divine
Let go of all negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. You are a product of the divine, with a unique and worthy mission. Let your authenticity shine through, and you will discover the bright soul you are. Danny G.
Break Free From Limitations
Stand solidly in what you believe in, and what you’re projecting. For the world can turn you into someone you’re not, and cause you to give in. Know your purpose, uniqueness and authenticity. Allow it to flourish and stand firm in the storm, so that you may break free from limitations and thrive. Danny G.
Bound to Triumph
Never cease to learn or remember who you truly are, and the laws that govern humanity. Remember your uniqueness and authenticity. Remember your potential and power within. Remember your origin, that you’re a victor bound to triumph. Danny G.
Retell the Story
Notice if the story you’re telling yourself is causing pessimism and bitterness. Our inner dialogue can create assumptions and delusions. Recognize that feeling, and return to wellness and self reliance. Retell the story the way you see it through the eyes of source, and through your unique and authentic perspective and will. Danny G.
A Creation Of Authenticity
Your present reality holds the greatest opportunity for change and growth. You cannot create from the past nor the future. Let the past be a teacher and allow your future to start in the present now. Move beyond your current reality by redirecting your heart and soul. Reconstruct your present now into your new creation with the divine, a creation of authenticity bound to thrive. Danny G.
Remember Your Worthiness
Spend time with people who lift your spirits, and believes in your potential and authenticity. Pessimism, bitterness and anger zaps your strength and energy. Your environment should make you feel joyful and grateful. Find the right motivation and dreams that keep on calling you to move forward. Never settle midway through your breakthrough, and know you are worthy of your heart’s desires. You’re always in the process of creation, and with perseverance and faith, your destination is inevitable. Danny G.