Your words and behavior towards others are powerful. Accumulation of negative words, lies and judgment has a way to break some people over time. For you don’t know where they’ve been and where they’re at in their life. That harsh statement can cause a trigger, and persistent triggers over time has a way to change that person. Think about a compassionate environment and its many benefits, and think about an environment of mental abuse. When people know they are loved, they bring that love to others and humanity and that’s what creates healing in the world. When people know that they are worthy, they bring that into the world. When they know they deserve love, it’s healing to the mind and soul, for worthiness changes a person’s outlook and it attracts the same from others. Don’t be ruled by your ego or preconceived notions, change lives for the better, for jealousy never wins in the eyes of God. Danny G.
Creation in the Unknown
Interrupt the pattern and you interrupt the unfolding of your life. Life is a state of perpetual patterns which creates your behavior. At times we become accustomed to our patterns, so we walk on autopilot, oblivious of our behavior. We become complacent and we don’t move forward. Realize that creation lies in the unknown. The more you break free of the habitual patterns and behavior, the more you become deliberate. You become the artist of your life, meant to thrive, succeed and triumph. Danny G.
Everyone’s A Teacher
Everyone on this planet teaches one way or another. By being you, people are processing your words and behavior. My question is, how do you want to portray yourself, and what do you wish to teach to the world? Danny G.
Conquered the Adversity
At times adversity will tell you to return to previous behavior and outcome. Everything can tell you it’s impossible and beyond your reach. Just as the masters conquered the storm and spoke to it in faith, so can you speak to your adversity, understand and overcome it. Danny G.
From Past to Creation
What we are is a culmination of everything we have lived from birth. It’s a combination of our thoughts, words and behavior over time. We can say we are a set of memorized thought patterns and behaviors. Only when we step into the unknown, we recognize our true power and the deliberate creators we are. Danny G.
Invest Time
What is inside your mind and heart reveals itself with your words and behavior. If your words and behavior are focused on your ego, then the ego reveals itself in the outside world. Make sure to invest time for your spiritual journey, so your words and behavior will be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G.
Completion and Perfection
There is no right or wrong, there are only benefits or consequences to your actions and behavior. Know it’s a learning experience through trial and error, and make sure you enjoy the journey and make memories. Don’t give in despite the stormy night, for when it’s all said and done, it will feel like completion and perfection in your eyes. You’ll look at it from afar and say, although treacherous and forbearing, it’s a work of art, and I’m glad I embarked. Danny G.
Programming the Mind
You can program your mind to be, do, and have anything you want. Think about something long enough, your words and behavior will follow behind, and it will eventually spill out in the external world. Therefore, program your mind for health, happiness, and success, and eventually your external world will embrace the essence of your thoughts, and desires. Danny G.
Renewing Our Spirit
If you’re not conscientious and you keep on suppressing anger and bitterness, it will eventually spill out with your words and behavior. Anger and bitterness repressed ends up causing friction for you and your loved ones. Don’t avoid it and bury it. The key is to deal with these unwanted emotions in baby steps if we have to. When we deal with these emotions in the early stages, we avoid breaking down from years of suppressed emotions. When we’re conscientious, we renew our spirit to act out of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Danny G.