Thought for Today

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and ideologies. There’s nothing wrong with teaching, but pushing them on your path only creates resistance. You can only influence others, and if their free will chooses otherwise, let them be. How do you know what that soul needs? You know what your soul needs, therefore, you will attract those souls in alignment with you. Everyone who needs you or your inspiration will find you. So, inspire, uplift and enlighten, but allow everyone to have their own journey. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

If we have been taught something from an early age, it’s difficult to adopt a new way of thinking. We live our lives with that truth creating a reality that matches our beliefs and expectations. What if those thoughts were simply misconceptions being passed down through generation after generation. What if the message has been thwarted. My advice to you is choose what resonates with you. Be your leader. Be your savior. Be the divine being of light that you are, meant to thrive. Danny G.

You Choose Your Journey

You’re clinging to those beliefs and expectations out of fear. You fear letting go and the unknown. Your fear keeps you from exploring, experiencing and your joy of freedom. Instead you cling to what’s been passed down to you without questioning as though questioning is wrong. You’re meant to be authentic. You’re meant to be you, not someone else’s opinion of the right you. You choose your purpose. You choose your mission. You choose your journey. And ultimately, this leads to your destiny. Danny G. 

What Resonates With You

Do not look merely at the source of teachings. Look for the teachings that resonate with you. Every master didn’t base their every choice, belief and expectation on only the source. Don’t live someone else’s life. Be unique. Be authentic. Be a master who says I’m not obliviously following a source of information. I can choose what choices, beliefs and expectations are aligned with my higher self. Danny G. 

The Root Cause

Be aware of your beliefs and expectations surrounding reoccurring pain. You’re not meant to suffer, squirm or fail endlessly. You need to get to the root cause of this reoccurring pain, speak to it, and tell it you have no place in my heart and soul. I understand pain will come in different seasons of life, but it’s not meant to be persistent. Speak to it, learn from it, let go of it, and embrace what the pain is telling you, to prosper and thrive. Danny G. 

A New Belief

We move towards the new thought because we speak about it and act on it. As before you were thinking, speaking and acting on your old beliefs but now you’re thinking, speaking and acting on a new belief. Danny G. 

A Fact or Perception

Ask yourself, is it a fact or is it a perception you created based on other’s beliefs and expectations. Reality is a perception, so what perception defines who you are and what comes next. What perception do you want to embrace and call your own. Danny G. 

Your First Step

Your first step in releasing negative beliefs is to question them. See what beliefs resonate with your soul, and what beliefs create confusion and doubt. For whatever creates clarity, peace and joy are those beliefs aligned with your higher self. Whatever creates confusion, doubt and fear creates lack and separation. Danny G. 

Everything is Perception

Your emotional turmoil is not created by the events and circumstances of your life. They’re created by your perceptions, beliefs and expectations. Everything is perception, and it all stems from beliefs and expectations. You can choose optimism or pessimism, bitterness or compassion, fear or faith. Whatever you choose alters your current reality and paves the rest. Danny G. 

Possibilities Miracles and Faith

Don’t dismiss the possibilities because others say it’s too good to be true. God is all about possibilities, miracles and faith. Nothing is too good to be true, other than your perspective and beliefs. Know this within the core of your being, act on it, and allow the inspiration to call you forth. Danny G.