Creating Your Reality

Create your own peaceful haven, create your own reality, and create your own personality. Don’t fall prey to the world conforming you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall prey to them convincing you of what’s not true. You create your beliefs and expectations, so don’t allow them to persuade you. Claim the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Greater Awareness

People are constantly looking for one means of living, one truth to live by, bound by one belief system. Individuality and humanity is constantly changing and evolving, and what was right yesterday, has now expanded to greater awareness. Greater awareness doesn’t make yesterday wrong, it just expands to the whole. Don’t seek to conform others, for everyone has their own journey and path to enlightenment. And don’t allow others to conform you, because if you do, your authenticity and uniqueness will never shine through. Danny G. 

Open Mindedness

Be open minded to others’ philosophies and beliefs. Everyone has their truth, and yours doesn’t make theirs wrong. They’re simply creating their lives through their beliefs, and you’re creating your life with your beliefs. It’s not about what is right or wrong, it’s simply about which thoughts resonate with your soul. It’s about which thoughts allow you to be the best version of you, and be truly fulfilled. Danny G. 

Having Courage and Faith

What is fear but a long perpetuating set of beliefs and expectations? What is fear but a sensation in your body? What is fear other than acting on doubt and uncertainty? Next time fear comes knocking at your door, have the courage and faith to declare your strength and resilience. Have the faith to stand as the palm tree that bends but never falls. It’s sturdy enough to withstand the strong winds and thrive. Danny G. 

Allow Change to Unfold

Your standard is always changing, as you adopt new beliefs and expectations. Don’t conform, or be complacent, and allow change to unfold. Life is always changing, and so are you, so allow the inevitable process of the journey to unfold. Let go of resistance, and let go of old ways. Allow the new to manifest as you embark on unknown land. Change will be easier and easier when you accept you’re always creating yourself anew, and you’re always writing the script to a new destination. Danny G. 

Your Inner Vision

You can convince yourself of anything if you persist. Everything stems from the vision you hold in your mind. Make sure it’s a vision of peace, happiness, and faith. Declare you’re an overcomer, and nothing can stand in your way. Create your own beliefs, and allow the reality you choose, to reflect your inner vision, calling, and purpose. Danny G.

Be Intentional

Your present self is a reflection of your passed thoughts, words, and actions. To create a new you and a better life, you must focus your energy inward and rewrite your current beliefs and philosophies. You cannot create new with the old information, nor can you have much improvements from remaining with the old self. Therefore, be intentional, and rework your newly desired thought. Rework it so much, that it becomes your new reality, and success. Plan for it, hope for it, and speak about it, until it becomes your new life story and triumph. Danny G.

The Leader and Teacher

We struggle to accept new beliefs and philosophies, as we hold on to the old, not knowing it’s time to change. Old beliefs become ingrained as we act on autopilot perpetuating the past. The true leader and teacher says, I can set a new goal and achieve what wasn’t thought before. I don’t need others to set the course, as I can choose my own path and ultimately change humanity. Danny G.

Don’t Negate You

Some sacrifices are unhealthy, for you were never meant to be left out of the equation. You are worthy, valued, and you need fulfillment just as much as anybody else. Don’t negate you, and don’t believe the noble choice is to neglect you for others. For you have dreams and aspirations that are calling you. And you have dreams and aspirations awaiting for your unique evolution, and for the expansion of humanity. Danny G.

A Reminder

I do not teach because I am perfect, nor do I teach because I live my teachings every moment of every day. I teach to make a difference in my own life and others, and I teach because I need to be reminded of these universal truths for my own well being. Danny G.