A Safe Path

Every great leader has been through dark nights and valleys. Don’t allow the adversities to turn you bitter or pessimistic. The dark nights are meant to transform you, and cause you to prosper. Within the valleys lies a safe path that will lead you to your destination and triumph. Danny G. 

The Powerful Creator

The thought has no power over you unless you empower the thought. You empower the thought by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness. You can also empower the thought by practicing wisdom, faith and love. Whatever you empower, you give life to. You are a powerful creator in the jungles of time and space. Realize the power of your thoughts, and the deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

Perspective and a Choice

Don’t allow the dysfunction to turn you bitter or pessimistic, for dysfunction is a perspective and a choice. We can take the dysfunction, and feed our anger, or we can create in the midst of chaos and havoc. There can be stillness within the chaos, havoc or dysfunction. It’s a matter of perception and finding clarity within the storm. Finding clarity within the storm means letting go, embracing mindfulness, and embracing the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G. 

Already Forgiven

God has already forgiven you the moment you realized your mistakes and sought improvement. Don’t beat yourself into bitterness and regrets until you end up feeling despair. God loves you, and he has your best interest at heart. Know this within the depth of your being, and you’ll embrace your freedom, and the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G. 

Creating Boldly

Every time you feel bitterness or regrets, repeat: I release the old and embrace the new. Declare the bold creator you are, that’s destined to triumph. Only use the past as a teacher for greater clarity and success, and use your present now as your vantage point to create anew. Danny G. 

Entertain the Right Thoughts

Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

Retell the Story

Notice if the story you’re telling yourself is causing pessimism and bitterness. Our inner dialogue can create assumptions and delusions. Recognize that feeling, and return to wellness and self reliance. Retell the story the way you see it through the eyes of source, and through your unique and authentic perspective and will. Danny G. 

Seek Inner Peace

Revenge will only create more pain. The best means of dealing with anger and bitterness is to accept everyone has their own journey. Accept that not all journeys are evolved. Revenge will only consume your heart and soul. Seek inner peace, for it will create health for your mind and body. Inner peace doesn’t condemn, nor does it seek to accuse another. Inner peace is love, compassion and acceptance for every journey including your own. Danny G. 

Destined to Thrive

You always have two choices. It’s either optimism or pessimism. It’s either faith or fear. It’s either bitterness or compassion. You can remain stuck in the realm of negativity or you can embrace who you truly are, a being of light, destined to thrive. Danny G. 

Emotional Attachments

Pessimism and bitterness are emotional attachments that no longer serves you. They stunt your growth, and prevent your success. When you let go of these negative attachments, you embrace your freedom and power. You embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.