Thought for Today

The best means of motivation is to create your own motivation. Do whatever you need to motivate yourself, inspire yourself and stir the passion within you. Boredom and complacency can grab a hold on you if you let it. Listen to upbeat music, read inspirational literature, look at the creativity around you with depth and meaning. Motivation, inspiration and passion is what creates productivity and value for yourself and others. By being creative, you are changing lives. Danny G. 

The Reason for the Void

That void inside you exists for a reason. You can choose to avoid it, or you can fill it with toxins, and chemicals which only harm your body. You can be productive with it, replace it with a purpose, mission and passion. The void is asking you to seek within. Once you seek within instead of being overly consumed with the external, you’ll know its reason for being for you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Your Gift and Potential

You can be bored, or you can be productive with your creativity. Boredom is complacency. Creativity is what you came forth to be, and it’s the opposite of boredom. Every time boredom grabs a hold on you, remember creativity is your born giving gift and potential. Danny G. 

Productive or Complacent

When you feel the void within you, know that seeking inward lies your answers and solutions. Out of boredom, contrast is created. Out of boredom, lies your action steps to inspiration and enlightenment. When bored, create your own purpose and reason for being. You can be productive or complacent. The choice is up to you. Danny G. 

Don’t Fear Pain

You create boredom by resisting the desires within you. You create boredom by playing it safe all the time. And you create boredom by suppressing the giant within you. Everyone feels pain from time to time, but it’s our reaction that defines everything and the unfolding of our lives. Don’t fear pain, remember the God or Goddess within you, and create a masterpiece in the midst of it. Danny G. 

Follow Your Soul’s Desires

Life without desires and dreams becomes dull and boring. Find something that lifts your spirit, that gives you joy and zest for life. Don’t become complacent or stagnant in your ways. Stretch your faith, seek wisdom without conforming, and allow the infinite intelligence to work on your behalf. Danny G. 

Opportunity to Grow and Thrive

Spending time complaining about boredom and dreading it, only creates unfulfilled desires. Happy people are productive. Happy people take the initiative. And happy people take those moments of inactivity or boredom, and create opportunities to grow and thrive. Danny G. 

Be Open for Growth

Constant boredom means you’re ready for change, and you’re ready for growth. Be open for it, accept it and embrace it, and be receptive for the signs from your soul. When change calls you with an opportunity knocking at your door, dare to believe, and dare to boldly declare, I CAN DO IT! Danny G.