Perpetual Growth

Circumstances and experiences change over time, therefore, further explanation and insight is needed. Life is an ongoing motion of perpetual growth and evolution. How did the court of law change over time? How did technology progress over time? How did we evolve collectively? There is no end to evolution, as it’s simply a continuous unfolding to grow collectively and as individuals. The most important element is to look back on how far we’ve come, and to know that expansion is inevitable. Danny G.

Changing Your Thoughts About It

The best means of achieving an improved physical condition, or improving a current situation, is to feel peace about it. For when you consciously choose to feel peace and relief from your current reality, the condition or situation can no longer aggravate you. For it was the aggravation that perpetuated the problem, or made it greater in your mind. When you feel peace about your current situation, you change your thoughts about it, which changes the outcome one step at a time. Danny G.

Allow It

As you leave your youth behind, embrace change, seasons and growth. Do not cling to the past and want to relive it again and again. Aging, loss, and daily obligations are all part of our journey in this physical plane. Throughout it all, comes wisdom, joy, and a destination for the soul. Allow it to unfold as it should, for you, your loved ones, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.

Embracing the New

At one time, it seemed like a perfect fit, you and I, for a lifetime. But people and circumstances change and progress, an unseemly but perfect life process. I now release the past so I can open my heart to what lies. Because if I stay stuck on the past, I don’t embrace the new in my newfound life. Danny G.

A Victor and Overcomer

Don’t forget you’re a human being with imperfections on the verge of change. You’re a work in progress, on a spiritual evolution with weaknesses and strengths. Though you may fail from time to time, and you may forget from time to time, always remember your origin, that you’re a victor and overcomer, and you have been since birth. Danny G.

Allowing Change to Unfold

Don’t condemn yourself for wanting more. Those desires you yearn for is God calling you towards growth and expansion. If they were useless, God wouldn’t have birthed within you the desires. Allow change to unfold for your evolution and the evolution of humanity. And allow God to mold you into the essence of who you are. Danny G.

A Change in Progress

What was once a certainty, is now a question mark, as you outgrew each other and parted separate ways. As you reach this cross road, always keep in mind, you’re a change in progress, redefining the new. What was once a certainty, may today be a question mark, or the inevitable past. So don’t be alarmed, just embrace change, and redefine yourself in your newfound life. Danny G.

The Power of Simplicity

Simplicity is key to be truly happy and fulfilled. Over complicating life never brings about true happiness. Sometimes all you need is a daily reminder of your power and magnificence to brighten your day. Other times all you need is a daily reminder every day and you changed your life. Danny G.

Subject to Change

The right choice is the choice that resonates with you this very moment. The right choice is the choice that you feel peace about this very moment. The right choice is subject to change, as you are an infinite being always seeking growth and expansion. Danny G.

Welcome the New

Why are you trying so hard not to welcome the next phase? Some things are only meant for a season, and some are meant for a lifetime. Know the difference, and don’t force a dead-end. Welcome the new, even if it intimidates you, and ultimately forces you to dream. Danny G.