Don’t Allow it to Change You

There’s nothing wrong with admiring attention and recognition, as long as attention and recognition doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. And there’s nothing wrong with admiring wealth and status, as long as wealth and status doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. There’s nothing wrong with wanting any of this, or all of it, as long as you remember who you are, where you’re from, and as long as you realize what matters above all, is God. Danny G.

Making A Difference

All of us want to be of value to others. We have this inner desire to make a difference in the world, because by making a difference, we know we have a purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as changing a life or it can be I changed humanity.

Many of our goals and aspirations come from an inner desire to create a positive change in the world. Do you want to get to the end of your life saying I only lived for myself? Life and the world is an interconnection of everyone who lives on this planet. We are all one in many different forms bound to come across each other’s path at one point or another.

Do you want to come to the end of your life saying I achieved great things, however, I achieved them only for myself, or at the expense of others? You want to come to the end of your life saying, I made a difference in my friend’s life, or I made a difference that impacted the world, ultimately for my own journey. Danny G.

Letting Go and Embracing the New

I know I must let go, because in the depth of my being, it’s a dead-end road bound to cause sorrow. I know I must let go, because I need to move on, and looking back perpetuates the unfolding. I know I must let go, for my own good, and I know I must let go, to move on, from the destructive hindrance, of holding on. Danny G.

Right or Better Choice

Is there a right choice, or are there simply better choices given circumstances and events at the present time? The world and humanity are always changing, and so are you. Everything is pulling you and everyone else towards expansion and growth. Nothing is static, circumstances and events change, and sometimes we try to stay with what is familiar. Can we base ourselves on the past for eternity? The right choice now may not be the right choice in 20 years from now, nor 20 years ago. So what is the right choice other than the one that resonates with you on this very moment? What is the right choice other than the one that allows you to grow, expand, and be the best version of you? Danny G.

No Conformity Just Bliss

There are no obligations in life other than the obligations we impose on ourselves. Is there only one road to travel? What if everyone on this planet was an exact replica of each other? The world would be a boring place, wouldn’t it? Then why are we trying to find one right path for everyone? Why are we trying to live our lives based on others’ preconceptions? What creates uniqueness, humanity and the universe? Conforming to the beliefs and expectations of everyone else, or conforming to Joseph Campbell’s quote which says “FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!” Danny G.

Opposites Work Together (Poem)

Opposites work together to bring stability 

And reliability, 

In each others hands.

Without opposites

Life remains 

And doesn’t change.

For without opposites,

There’s no reference point,

And no platform,

To create ourselves anew, 

And correlate.

Without change

There’s no expansion 

And no creation 

Only sameness.

The answer is to accept 

The inevitable correlation,

To create ourselves anew

From the father’s hand.

And let others only reaffirm

Who we are,

Through cooperation  

And opposites.