Life is a continuous stream of beginnings and endings. Change is what we are. When we resist change, we resist life. When we embrace it, we embrace personal growth and transformation. We allow the divinity inside us to conquer and thrive. Danny G.
The Perpetual Change
Every day is another opportunity to achieve greater self awareness and enlightenment. There are many layers to unfold. When one answer or solution is revealed, another one is waiting for you to claim yours in the perpetual change of growth and transformation. Danny G.
The Core of Change
The core of who we are is change. When we suppress change or try to avoid it, we avoid life. Life is a constant unending journey of transformation and self awareness. Embrace change, embrace the unknown and embrace your true nature. See what change is calling from you. Seek inward, and you’ll discover the insights and action steps you need for your expansion and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Embrace the New Version Of You
You must die to your old self to embrace the new you. Change is always happening within you. Your body changes, your beliefs and perspectives change over time, and your environment changes constantly. Learn to die to what’s no longer serving you, and embrace the new version of yourself. Let go, and allow the phoenix to emerge within you. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Change is always happening. Stop fighting against it. You can either fear it, or embrace it, the choice is up to you. Danny G.
The Inevitable Change
Life is a constant evolution that never ceases to be. You’re always in the process of transformation and personal growth. Learn to ride the current, and be at peace with the storm. When you’re at peace with the storm, and the inevitable process of change, you can tread mountains before you, and you’re being the phoenix you were created to be. Danny G.
Declare I AM and I CAN
Every time life knocks you down with an obstacle, declare I am in the presence of positive change. Turn every adversity into an opportunity. Turn every impossibility into a possibility with the great words “I AM.” You write your story every day, so change your mindset today with “I AM and I CAN!” Danny G.
Change is What We Are
Fear over the unknown is fearing change. Change is what we are, and it’s what we came forth to be. Don’t procrastinate your whole life fearing change. Don’t become complacent and stagnant in your ways. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are. With this faith, you can trample mountains before you. Danny G.
Claim What’s Yours
Learn to adapt to change, for life is a perpetual process of change and growth. Let change be your friend, not your enemy, for change is what allows you to expand for the evolution of humanity. When you allow change to be your friend, the chaos or havoc around you won’t turn you bitter and pessimistic. You’ll create from the unknown, and you’ll claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
Quote for Today
True change comes from releasing our past so we can create a new future. Danny G.