Meant to Catapult You

Don’t fall prey to life’s current reality and challenges, for they were only meant to catapult you into your divine destiny. Every journey has uphills, trials, and contrast, but don’t allow them wear you down incessantly. Allow them to mold you, change you, and redefine you into the  phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.

Born A Victor

Another year unfolds into the unknown, where change comes knocking at your door. Challenges come and go without a warning in sight, but you remain because of your perseverance and strength. You walk steadfastly and boldly with your mission at the forefront, while leaving behind any extra and loose baggage. You were born a victor, and you claim it yours, for you know, it’s time for the inevitable triumph. Danny G.

Growing Spiritually

Being in alignment is seeking inward to know ourselves and our power. When we devote our lives for the purpose of growing spiritually, we know we can tackle whatever comes our way. We know nothing is impossible, as we have the power to change in the palm of our hands. By changing our lives, inevitably, we change whomever crosses our path. Growing on a spiritual level is our true purpose and calling, and it will bring the ultimate joy and happiness. Danny G.

Perception is Everything

Dear mountain of mine, maybe I cannot change you at this present time, and perhaps you’ll remain for a while. Nevertheless, perception is mine, and I choose to see you for what you are. You’re simply a creation of mine, impermanent, but permanent in the lesson you imprint in my heart. Danny G.

Allowing the Infinite Intelligence

Open your eyes and see there are many roads to Rome, and many ways to heal, and grow. There is so much contrast, with so many voices trying to pull you one way. Each voice is vying for your attention, as you chart your course. Perception can always change, when you allow the divine to unleash the infinite intelligence. Danny G.

Be Open for Growth

Constant boredom means you’re ready for change, and you’re ready for growth. Be open for it, accept it and embrace it, and be receptive for the signs from your soul. When change calls you with an opportunity knocking at your door, dare to believe, and dare to boldly declare, I CAN DO IT! Danny G.

Focus on A New Chapter

Our present is our creation from yesterday. The more we contemplate it, and act on it, the more we perpetuate it, whether negative or positive. If you want to create a better today, focus on a new chapter, and declare it into being. Don’t allow yesterday to rewrite the script, be the leader, and ultimately change the course. Danny G.

The Victors

We’re victors with a mission in mind for happiness and success. We’re born to do great things and change the world. Every person is a God or Goddess imparting their seed into the world. Victory is in your blood line, and you’re destined to leave a mark in this generation. Danny G.

Change and Growth

Sometimes when life is great, with no issues to bear, you want to dwell there indefinitely. You want to relive and relive the moment again, and again. Life cannot be stagnant, nor can it be unchanging, for it will always require uncharted territory, contrast, and growth. When you accept this, no longer will you be fighting against the current, and you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.

The Leader and Teacher

We struggle to accept new beliefs and philosophies, as we hold on to the old, not knowing it’s time to change. Old beliefs become ingrained as we act on autopilot perpetuating the past. The true leader and teacher says, I can set a new goal and achieve what wasn’t thought before. I don’t need others to set the course, as I can choose my own path and ultimately change humanity. Danny G.