Inner peace is a choice. It’s choosing quietness over the chaos. It’s choosing stillness when overwhelmed. It’s choosing tranquility in a fast paced world. It takes practice and discipline, but when it’s achieved, you can be at peace under any and all conditions. Danny G.
Stillness Tranquility and Inner Peace
Stillness, tranquility and inner peace produce happiness and a sound mind. When everything around you is in chaos or havoc, the spirit of stillness still lives inside you. Recognize that feeling, and know that under any circumstances and events, you can return to it. This is where your power lies, and it’s where your perception changes. When your perception changes, so does your life and future. Danny G.
Stillness Wherever You Go
There is noise wherever you go if you allow the noise to consume you. There is stillness wherever you go if you allow this peace to just be. You can find peace by seeking inward, and focusing on the divine being you are. When you find peace in the midst of chaos and havoc, you master life and the inevitable joyous experiences bound to be. Danny G.
Be Still and Listen
Wisdom stems from stillness, tranquility and peace. When we seek inward, we find that source of stillness and peace where wisdom lies. We can always find this peace and wisdom despite the chaos or havoc around us. The noise doesn’t have to weigh us down, as we can always be still and listen within. Danny G.
Spiritual Awakening
Be awake in the world, do not sleep walk your entire life never contemplating your soul’s yearning and desires. Be at peace with the world, despite its chaos or treachery while fully embracing its beauty and perfection nevertheless. There is perfection in the imperfection, if you look deep beyond the shallow lenses. Be still and full of faith and allow every moment to be a spiritual awakening. Danny G.
Open Your Eyes
Don’t allow the chaos or havoc blind you from whatever is good and noble. Don’t allow the misconceptions to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Open your eyes and see the greatness of the universe, and the greatness of who we are. There’s always two perceptions within you, one is of the dark, and the other the light. Choose optimism, faith and good will, and you will become the essence of your thoughts and mission. Danny G.
Choosing Wisdom Before Chaos
Do I want to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously? Many sleep walk their entire lives bumping into opposition and adversities and not knowing what to do. They become overwhelmed and give in before their breakthrough. Be the one who persists with faith, knowing he can conquer all odds. Be the one who chooses self awareness, before acting on impulse. And be the one who chooses wisdom before chaos. Danny G.
Peace in the Chaos
Learn to be at peace despite the chaos or havoc of the world. Don’t allow it to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Be a light to the world in dark valleys. Let your gifts shine for a brighter humanity and a peaceful world. Danny G.
Practice Mindfulness
The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G.
Recognize Your Worth
Not every leader and master was born in great knowledge and wealth. Some were born in chaos and havoc, and some suffered turmoil and anguish. Others lived very ordinary lives. Remember this when you feel unworthy and incapable. Know everyone has their own journey and beginning. Remember the phoenix you were born to be, and remember the most important season is recognizing your own worth. Realize there’s a world of knowledge waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G.