What Resonates With You

Do not look merely at the source of teachings. Look for the teachings that resonate with you. Every master didn’t base their every choice, belief and expectation on only the source. Don’t live someone else’s life. Be unique. Be authentic. Be a master who says I’m not obliviously following a source of information. I can choose what choices, beliefs and expectations are aligned with my higher self. Danny G. 

You Choose

You create division by saying this is the one and only path. You steer people away by saying this is the one and only path. There are many teachers and thought leaders from many different facets in life. Choose what resonates with you and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

The Ideal Choices

Everyone interprets differently. Everyone has their own opinions and expectations. There isn’t one book for all or one teacher for all. If there was one book or teacher for all, there would be no need for further evolution. Find what resonates with you. Experience and exploration are your best friends. You have infinite intelligence within you. If someone lifts you up, let it. If someone sits you down, get back up. Free will and the ideal choices always remain within you. Danny G. 

Being A Light in the Darkness

We make choices every moment of every day. Most of those choices are unconscious. We must retrain our mind to be conscious. By being conscious, we embrace our gifts and creativity. Those gifts and creativity are needed in the world to shift global consciousness. With enough light workers, we have the potential to shift humanity and create positive global change. Danny G. 

Always A Choice

Repeat often I have a choice. Repeat I have free will. You can focus on a fate outside of yourself or you can create your own fate. Claim your freedom. Fate can grab you by the hand and drag you, or you can be the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G. 

Your Means Of Manifestation

At times, the greatest obstacles force us for personal growth and transformation. You have two choices, allow the obstacles to turn you astray, or allow it to turn you inward. From within, you’ll discover your spiritual evolution, your answers, solutions and your means of manifestation. Danny G. 

Redefine Yourself

Everyday you must redefine yourself into who you want to be, and what you wish to pursue. Everyday is a stepping stone into the unknown, waiting for your choices, faith and wisdom to shine through. Redefine yourself by seeking self awareness and transformation. For by changing your inner world, you change your outer world. Danny G. 

The Environment We Choose

Our environment is an expression of where we are today. At times, we hold onto it for safety. Other times, we hold onto it for lessons to be learned from our soul. Sometimes, we procrastinate never moving forward. Realize this is the environment you choose for yourself whether young or old. Embrace it, or move beyond it and learn from it. Danny G. 

Perspective and a Choice

Don’t allow the dysfunction to turn you bitter or pessimistic, for dysfunction is a perspective and a choice. We can take the dysfunction, and feed our anger, or we can create in the midst of chaos and havoc. There can be stillness within the chaos, havoc or dysfunction. It’s a matter of perception and finding clarity within the storm. Finding clarity within the storm means letting go, embracing mindfulness, and embracing the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G. 


Every season brings new choices and a new vantage point. Choices will knock at your door regardless of ignorance or trying to avoid them. You are bound to create a new you and a new life with every opportunity in front of you. Embrace the opportunity and claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.