You can seek alignment with your source and creator, or you can choose to follow the ego. Your choice has benefits and consequences, but if you choose God, the ultimate provider, you choose faith and wisdom. With faith, wisdom and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.
Wisdom Over Impulse
Acting on impulse is acting on anger, pessimism or bitterness. It’s the opposite of contemplation and reflection. It’s quick to feed the emotions, but it’s often quick the wrong way, and ends up causing heartache and trouble.
When you allow negative emotions to consume you, eventually they spill out in your behavior, words and impulses. Often they cause trouble later on or they create strife with your loved ones.
Our impulses or wisdom can either have negative consequences or benefits. The choice is up to us to listen to our quick impulses or to seek wisdom in spite of difficulties. Impulses often lacks wisdom and wisdom always leads to a greater life and future. Wisdom can be described as God, for whenever we seek God, wisdom is there.
Wisdom is the ideal pathway for your life. Wisdom creates health, success and happiness, for who knows better than wisdom, the ultimate divine and source. Seeking inward before believing misconceptions, is the path to enlightenment.
The key is to practice self control and discipline, for wisdom requires self control and self reliance. Seeking wisdom above the ego, and choosing long term gain over short time satisfaction is key to a greater life and future.
We can venture into all sorts of directions in our life, never getting anywhere, never creating success or contributing to the world. That can be described as making quick judgments and acting on impulses.
Everyone experiences failures or setbacks, however, if we combine wisdom with failure, we learn from our mistakes and move forward towards our dreams and desires. Often when we begin our journey, we act on impulse, and we quickly feed our ego.
Over time and often with age, we acquire wisdom because life causes us to contemplate and seek further insight. We can either move with this insight or we can wander in the desert our whole life.
Everyone wanders from time to time, however, don’t let that become your permanent home. Learn, remember and choose the path to enlightenment.
The Algorithm Of Life
You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.
An Opportunity to Grow and Thrive
Don’t react blindly, for acting on impulse creates poor choices and regrets. See what the situation or circumstance is teaching you. Reclaim your power, and see that this challenge is simply an opportunity to grow and thrive. Danny G.
Choosing Peace
Inner peace is a choice. It’s choosing quietness over the chaos. It’s choosing stillness when overwhelmed. It’s choosing tranquility in a fast paced world. It takes practice and discipline, but when it’s achieved, you can be at peace under any and all conditions. Danny G.
Free Will or Destiny
Is it free will or destiny that shapes what lies before us? We choose and enact our destiny by our choices, wisdom and faith. Destiny doesn’t grapple with our free will or inner peace, it calls us through the every day choices we make along our physical trail. The more we become aligned with the divine, the greater the destiny and life that lies before us. Danny G.
Move Beyond It
Excellence is a mindset and choice, and so is mediocrity. If you want to achieve excellence move beyond your present reality of mediocrity. Move beyond the mentality of defeat, and replace it with a victor mentality. You are just a shell with the most powerful energy inside which is God, and your greatest power is to be in alignment with this source and power, and create with it. Danny G.
Inevitable Success
Make sure what rules your mind and soul is of good nature from the divine. Dwell on God, its infinite powers, and loving compassion. The choice is always within you, so stop focusing on your lack and ego. Allow the divinity you are to transform itself into the greatest version of you, and your inevitable success. Danny G.
Be the Leader
When they say it cannot be done, be the leader, and choose your life path. Always remember the ones who broke free from the cage always let go of their limitations, they broke free of their boundaries, and soared. Danny G.
Essentially Who You Are
There are two voices inside your mind vying for your attention at all times. One speaks of truth, freedom, joy, peace, love, and all the good in the universe. The other speaks of pessimism, bitterness, fear and anything that contradicts the source within you. Which voice do you want to listen to, and which voice is essentially who you truly are? Danny G.