Choices From Our Soul (Poem)

Is there a right or wrong?

Or are there simply better choices,

That agree with our soul?

The minute we think, we got it right,

We stumble again, on unknown path.

Because life is expansion,

From the divine,

As we make up the rules,

And stand by its side.

Nothing is static,

A constant motion,

We’re simply moulding,

Life again.

Do we love this life,

Or do we dread the unknown?

Or fear the mountains,

That stand tall,

And never cease to be,

Its terrifying piece.

When we stop and reflect,

We realize there’s no right or wrong,

Simply choices, that guide us back home.

As we stumble, upon the answer,

We realize we were never wrong.

Simple journey,

Simple learning,

Or remembering what we knew,

So we can take this insight,

Into our newfound life,

And shout out loud, to the divine.

Saying we’re born again,

Let’s dream out loud,

In this illusionary world,

Where we think out loud,

And write the script.

Living Consciously

Don’t sleep walk and live carelessly, or you’ll end up living a lie with many troubles. Contemplate your motives and actions, so that in the end, you won’t regret your choices, and you will be pleased you made a decision to live consciously. Danny G.

Letting Peace be the Empire

There’s no right or wrong decision, as life is a learning game to discover ourselves and experience the world through all forms of expressions. The only wrong choice would be not learning from our mistakes and repeating the same mistakes again and again. 

However, actions have pros and cons, benefits and consequences. When we don’t consider the benefits and consequences of our choices, we act on impulse and we end up with a life we don’t want and many troubles. 

Impulse doesn’t consider the benefits in the decision, it only seeks to satisfy this present moment. Impulse doesn’t foresee the consequences, it only seeks to satisfy this present moment. 

When we live carefree, not paying any attention to our choices, years down the road or perhaps sooner, we end up with a life we don’t want. When we assess our options, and we choose what resonates with our inner self and not merely our senses, we feel inner peace and joy.

If we let inner peace and joy guide us to our ideal choices, we will not be disappointed. What other guidance do we have that we can depend on? Have you ever had a choice to make and the logical choice just didn’t feel right? You had two options and one choice made complete logical sense, but you felt uneasy about it. The other option didn’t make logical sense, however, you felt peace about it. How many times do we choose the logical or expected choice given the circumstances, and we end up regretting it? Then we say I should have went with my gut.

There’s a reason why all the masters say,  let peace be your empire, and if you don’t feel peace about it, don’t act on it. Same applies if you feel peace about your decision but it doesn’t seem logical, act on it. 

How many great achievers were told not to pursue their passion and to give up, and they were constantly reminded they didn’t have what it takes. How many great achievers faced all types of adversities and failure, yet they prospered in the end. They prospered because they believed in themselves and they knew they could do it. If they would have given up because of failure, criticism or adversities, they would have never fulfilled their dream. 

The criticism and obstacles didn’t keep them down, as they listened to their inner guidance and wisdom. They chose the path that brought them joy despite everyone telling them it wasn’t logical or worthwhile. 

Most people have their own expectations of logic and conformity for your life. They try to push their beliefs and expectations on you because in their mind, the choice or dream doesn’t seem plausible. Out of compassion, they want what’s best for you, so they try to persuade you. They think they have your best interest at heart, however, only you know what’s best for you. 

You know what brings joy, inner peace, and happiness. You know what you’re passionate about. You know what feels right and what doesn’t. Choose what brings inner peace and joy, don’t conform to others’ expectations of you. 

The best approach for decision making is to contemplate our actions and let peace be our empire. It’s by trusting our inner guidance and knowing peace will not lead us off course. 

Don’t Conform Just Create

Why do we feel a need to follow the conventional or traditional lifestyle of our culture? Everyone has a different opinion of what is considered appropriate or right, so why do we feel a need to conform to their expectations?

There’s no right or wrong approach or choice, the only wrong choice would be to override your intuition and not take action when you feel peace about it. This applies to careers, health and relationships.

Perhaps you want to start a career that isn’t your subject of expertise, or start a business with very little funds. Maybe you want to explore alternative medicine, and naturopathy. Or maybe the marriage you’re planning to have isn’t conventional or traditional in your culture.

We allow people to convince us there are appropriate actions given the circumstances or there are traditional practices we must obey. Is there any obligation in life other than the obligations we impose on ourselves?

We allow people to convince us we are to conform to their expectations of normalcy. Then we do and we’re miserable because we’re living someone else’s life, and we’re not pursuing our desires and listening to our intuition.

Reality is always changing, and the trend today is always amending according to the world and every individual on this planet. What was considered ok a few centuries ago is not ok today, and what is ok in one part of the world today is not ok in our part of the world.

Seven billion people on this planet have their own version of what is considered appropriate action or normal. If you want something in life that doesn’t conform to the norm of today’s day and age or your culture, don’t feel the need to meet others’ expectations.

We all have free will to choose the life we want and we’re using our free will to please others. Does conforming to others’ expectations bring joy and fulfillment?

We’re on this planet for our spiritual evolution and the evolution of our planet, and whatever desire we have is there for a reason for our own expansion and for the expansion of all that exists.

We’re here for the joy and exhilaration of the journey, and we’re giving away this joy to meet the demands imposed on us by others. Everyone is different and we all have our own values, strengths and qualities, so who would know what’s best for your life other than the person living it.

What people see is the exterior of the shell that holds the soul, so how would they know your true self and what you’re here to do and create other than you?

Create Your Healing

Focusing On A Different Reality

We’ve all heard pain and disease is first created in the mind. But how much is created in our mind and how much is created by our physiology or other factors? Science is beginning to unravel the fact that we’re constantly changing our physiology by our focus, stress, and lifestyle choices.

Focusing on the pain or negative symptoms brings about most of our stress. It’s our thoughts on the pain or symptoms that create stress and perpetuates the problem or causes deterioration.

Many research studies discovered that through our everyday choices such as stress reduction techniques and healthy lifestyle choices, we have the power to change our physiology within months, or years depending on the body part.

When we focus on an improved condition or optimal health, we move towards this new and improved reality, or when we apply stress reduction techniques, we’re releasing resistance thereby causing less bodily pain or symptoms.

What makes a sensation or disease painful? When we focus on the sensation, we give it all types of names and descriptions, and then we dread the sensation coming back or we fear the sensation getting worse. We then fear the inevitable because whatever we’re focused on, we create.

It’s difficult to change a condition when we’re faced with bodily pain or symptoms because this is our current reality, and we’ve been giving it names and descriptions for as long as we had the symptoms. We then enlarge the pain and create emotional turmoil by our constant focus, fear and dread of the symptoms.

When we see the sensation as a perception of a sensation, then we no longer give it so much weight and attention and the pain diminishes. Only by focusing on a different reality, we’re able to create an improved condition.

If you were to focus solely on the pain, what would happen? The pain would start. Yet if someone were to distract you, are you still focused on the sensation? Continual distractions by focusing on a different reality will improve and heal your condition in time.

Healing will require faith despite the current condition contradicting your vision. By being steadfast, the new image in your mind will become your reality, and the time frame will be determined by your beliefs, expectation and your ability to receive healing.

Ask yourself, why does one person, say a sensation is painful or unbearable, yet another with the same sensation say it’s much more tolerable? Is it because of their physiology or is it because of their definition and attention on the sensation?

Some people may have a different threshold according to their physiology, but essentially, who created our own threshold? We’ve created our own threshold over the years by focusing on unwanted sensations, and then calling these sensations intolerable or painful.

What happens when your foot is throbbing, but you start laughing at a comment your friend made? Are you focused on your foot? What happens when you bring your awareness back to your throbbing foot? The pain starts again. Can a sensation exist without awareness of it, and wouldn’t it disappear if we’re not aware of it?

When you focus on something entirely different, you’re no longer magnifying the problem and you’re creating another reality in which you move towards. What would happen if you created your own reality in your mind that has nothing to do with your throbbing foot? It’s difficult, but if you can focus on your friend’s comment you can also focus on a different reality.

See the pain as only a sensation and see distraction as a means to focus on something entirely different other than your pain. When we focus on something which brings joy, we’re no longer magnifying the problem, and we’re no longer making it our only focus. Then the pain or symptoms subside and disappears in time because it can not exist, if we’re always focusing on a different reality.

My advice is, don’t give the symptoms any recognition, and focus on a different reality and you’ll see for yourself that disease is created by our attention and it cannot live in a healthy spiritual mind. When we no longer pay attention to the disease and we remain spiritually connected and faithful, the symptoms subsides and vanishes in time.

It’s Just A Better Choice

Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there just a better choice? We’ve heard the saying there are many roads that lead to Rome. Almost everyone’s journey has detours and delays, and most importantly, every journey is unique in one way or another. Many people or religions tell us there’s one path and one path only. They tell us there’s only one pathway that we must travel and if we fail on this one journey then we lose our chance at success or salvation.

You can only make choices based on your current understanding, maturity and wisdom. A year from now or 5 years from now, you may have a very different mentality, thereby causing you to choose differently. Considering the fact you’re always changing and growing, the choice you made that you really regret wasn’t a failure, it was simply part of the unfolding that brought you to this present moment.

The only way to make better decisions is through contemplation, and assessing whether these choices are aligned with our greater perspective or not. Seeking our spiritual selves and immersing ourselves in the truths that govern humanity allows us to make better choices. Meditation allows us to connect with our higher selves and it distracts us from anything that doesn’t resonate with our greater perspective. Positive affirmations allows us to have faith and confidence in ourselves and the divine. These are simply tools that help us make better choices, and perhaps it may prevent future problems or allow us to cope with problems with greater wisdom.

There are challenges that are unavoidable, however, we should make it easier on ourselves by reserving some time every day for our own alignment and growth. We also need to accept that every journey has contrast and obstacles, but remember they help us define who we are and where we’re going. What’s the point of a human experience if there was nothing to learn? These choices you’re currently making in your life, aren’t they different from the choices you will make in 20 years from now? You can only assess which is the best option now and then in 20 years from now you’ll assess according to your life at that particular time.

Circumstances change and you change also, so there is no failure, just a journey and a spiritual evolution. Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there simply better choices where you currently stand? No need to relive your past failures and mistakes, since they are merely stepping stones to the new improved version of yourself and your life.

If there’s one right path for everyone, it would mean everyone would be the same and there would be no contrast and the world would be a boring place. Besides, how can you define who you are and what you want out of life if you don’t have a reference point and a platform to choose from?

When you have a decision to make, just know there’s no right or wrong approach, there are simply decisions based ideally on your life and your journey. It’s simply about making choices that are beneficial for ourselves and humanity. We’re all interconnected so when you make a choice aligned with our source and creator, then your good deed or example affects all the people in your life. That’s how we change the world one step at a time.