You create your judgment. God is all love, compassion and forgiveness. The only judgment you receive is for your ultimate best. Judgment is not eternal, nor is it hatred or lack. The right judgment is realizing our full potential and what need improvements. Judgment is for us, not against us. Danny G.
Rejection is From Within
Rejection is not caused by others, it is caused within. Everyone faces rejection at one point in their lives. Out of every rejection from another, there is also approval and compassion from a multitude. It all depends which side you’re on. There will always be loving sources and people for you. Choose the ones that resonate with you, and banish rejection from your heart and soul. Danny G.
Feel It and Let Go
We create our own punishments by harboring our anger, confusion and bitterness. We believe they must be punished for mistreated us, but we are punishing ourselves by holding onto these negative emotions. Feel it, let go and embrace your freedom rather than holding onto negative attachment. Danny G.
The Greatest Misconception
If you are his product, then why would he subject you to eternal punishment? If he knew every mistake you would make, then why would he punish you rather than teach you? You can only be your best where you are with what you have. Let God handle the rest. Unconditional love doesn’t condemn, unconditional love yearns for your personal growth, happiness and freedom. Danny G.
Already Fulfilled
Belittling is a sign of weakness or lack, for they need to feel greater than you. Humility, kindness and compassion doesn’t feel the need to belittle, for they are already fulfilled. Being secure in who you are is recognizing that you are special, for they see something in you that they don’t see in themselves. Danny G.
Always on Your Side
God is a source of love and compassion, so his will is joy and happiness for all of us. He desires our freedom and exploration to discover ourselves, our uniqueness and authenticity. Our full potential can only be discovered with God in our life. Self awareness is knowing the universal source is always on your side. Danny G.
We Create Our Destiny
Would a loving God say only one is anointed, or that anyone can be anointed if they choose to be? Does God anoint others, or do we anoint ourselves with God by our wisdom, faith and compassion? If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not today? Danny G.
Wisdom At Our Fingertips
What is the salvation of God? It’s knowing God loves you unconditionally. It’s knowing he is always within you and willing to help. It’s wisdom at our fingertips. All God requires of you is to be your best where you are with what you have. Danny G.
To Greater Success
The fact that you originate from the compassionate source, the infinite and limitless intelligence, should be your true indicator of success. The one who created you only wants what’s best for you, and everyone else who you impact along your journey. Trust that help is always within you, and your purpose is always within you waiting to be unraveled to greater success. Danny G.
Would a compassionate creator birth you randomly with nothing to give? That perception lives only in your mind. Seek inward to find your talents and reason for being. You define your inner calling and mission. Your divine will and journey all interplay for a greater humanity. Danny G.