Allow God To Intervene

Revenge is never the hand of God, nor will it ever bring you solace and peace. Honor your forgiving heart that rests underneath, and honor your strength and perseverance. Don’t act on bitterness, be the compassionate person you’re born to be. Allow God to intervene, mold you, and change you into the person you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Soul Mates

A soul mate is someone who resonates with your very core. It’s someone who understands you, and brings out the very depth of your being. It’s someone who brings your potential to life, with the very best intentions at heart. There are many soul mates, but one or a few, you may choose in your lifetime. They’re destined to cross your path at the ideal timing, so don’t fight it, or try to force it into being. Allow the seasons to unfold in their divine timing as they should, and you’ll cross paths, when your soul is ready to embark. Danny G.

Compassionate Source and Power

Whatever you project, you receive, so make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, in a world of myriad facets. Know that this very energy has a way of making its way back to you, as a thank you from this compassionate source and power. Danny G.

Beyond the Ego

Don’t be superficial when assessing others, for everyone has a story and a reason for being. Compassion is understanding there’s much more beyond the surface. It’s looking beyond the ego lenses, and seeing the depth underneath. When you acknowledge this, everyone becomes a teacher, and you learn there’s a lesson from everyone’s journey. Danny G.

Renewing Our Spirit

If you’re not conscientious and you keep on suppressing anger and bitterness, it will eventually spill out with your words and behavior. Anger and bitterness repressed ends up causing friction for you and your loved ones. Don’t avoid it and bury it. The key is to deal with these unwanted emotions in baby steps if we have to. When we deal with these emotions in the early stages, we avoid breaking down from years of suppressed emotions. When we’re conscientious, we renew our spirit to act out of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Danny G.

Don’t Sacrifice Your Well Being

You worked so hard on yourself to be where you are today. Now you’re about to do something foolish, to compensate for someone’s misalignment, not yours. For you have a heart, thank yourself for that, but don’t feel the right choice is to sacrifice your own progress and well being. Danny G.

Compassion Over Sympathy

Sympathy will cry with you for a lifetime, never getting you anywhere but grieving. Compassion will say get up, you have the power that creates worlds inside you, and you can conquer anything. Until you realize this, grief will drag you down until your very last day. Choose compassion, and it will reward you with the strength and will power to persevere. Danny G.

Compassionate Revenge

The compassionate revenge is saying, I moved on so should you. The compassionate revenge is saying I’m in a great place now, I’m happy, and so should you. The compassionate revenge is saying I wish you all this, and more, and even if you had more I would smile in appreciation and love. The compassionate revenge would say I wish you the best, and sincerely I hope you learned your lesson. Danny G.

Bringing Out the Best

Compassion or acceptance is understanding someone despite their imperfections, flaws and weaknesses. It’s focusing on the soul which is essentially who we are, and it’s focusing on the potential of who we can become.

Danny G.

Choose Wisely

Actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Our loving father, God, would much rather you get the rewards then the negative consequences through your poor choices. If you don’t pay any attention to your thoughts or actions, you will end up living a lie, which is essentially, a life of many troubles. If you’re pessimistic, persistently fearful or you behave carelessly, you will face the consequences, not because God loves you any less, but because God gave you the gift of free will, and you chose poorly. God is a spirit of love and compassion, and anything other than this definition, is not from him. You are an extension of God through the unique soul that you are. Anything that is not love is not who you are. Your soul chooses God and compassion, not the choices that would steer you off your divine path. Danny G.