Create Your Own Label

If a homeless man was to teach you about love or faith when you felt completely alone and fearful, would he not be considered a teacher to you? Would you obliterate his words because he is a homeless man? Would you believe a world-renowned guru more than the homeless man even if his words were exactly the same as the guru? Often times we don’t take a person seriously because of his status or appearance, yet if someone had a suit and tie and he was recognized, we’d give him more credibility.

We don’t need a position of prestige to be assigned the label of a teacher or saviour. An individual teaches because he has an insightful message to share with others. An individual is a saviour if he saves someone from destruction or death, not because some outside source assigned him the label.

Does God’s spirit only dwell in the masters of this planet, or does he dwell in all his people? If God lives in all of us, then we can do great things such as the world’s greatest teachers. Jesus said in the scripture that with faith we would be able to do great things as he has done. That means we’re not limited by status, or a label.

Everyone who is spiritual or religious would say it’s the spirit of God which allows our heart to beat. If God allows our heart to beat, we know we would die if his spirit would leave us, therefore, we know he lives in us indefinitely.

We’ve all heard the Christian saying, I’m so filled with the holy spirit. Can’t we all access this holy spirit if we’re all made of the same stuff that creates worlds? The only limit is our thinking.

Being filled with the holy spirit only means being connected to our soul, and God. We connect to our soul by focusing on love which is God. We can’t help but to lead and teach by the clarity of our example, because who we truly are is meant to uplift.

How can we not teach something we are genuinely living ourselves? We don’t need labels to teach love or faith. We don’t need the label of a world-renowned guru to help others and humanity? Some people can hear the world’s famous Guru and not relate, but they can hear what a homeless man has to say, and be forever changed and enlightened.

Do we need a source outside of ourselves giving us a label, or can we create our own label and help others in which ever way we choose?

A Simple Act of Kindness

Everything we say and do affects those around us and changes the world one deed at a time. From the tiniest gesture of giving a homeless man a 10 dollar bill to giving a speech to millions of people on the love and power of God.

Giving a homeless man a 10 dollar bill not only gives him a lunch but this act of kindness changes his outlook on life. People that are homeless often feel rejected or overlooked by society for fear of mental illness or other factors.

A simple act of kindness changes their outlook on life and reminds them, there are compassionate people out there who are willing to help.

Simply sharing your story with them about how you overcame financial hardships or teaching them about the power of faith in overcoming obstacles is enough to show you care. It’s also enough to change their perspective about the world, humanity and their hope for the future.

Whether they receive your message or not, any act of kindness can remind someone, this is a compassionate universe and there is a God looking after the lonely and oppressed.

The person you reached out to has a new perspective and therefore he or she speaks about it to others, perhaps someone who is seeking enlightenment and who shares the same struggles, or past.

We are an extension of God from a source of love, so essentially, we are all one. By helping one fellow human being, you just helped yourself, because we are all interconnected, and we’re all made up of the same energy that creates worlds.

Any act of love feels joyous and satisfying, and the deed gives us satisfaction that we made a difference in another person’s life. By helping one individual you help everyone who’s connected to this individual’s life, and anyone he encounters in his pursuit for change.

If reaching out does nothing but put a smile on your face, then you will be living what every so called master taught you and the world, which is to live a life based on the principle of compassion and happiness.

So my advice is to contemplate your words and actions and know that you are a guiding light in a troubled world. Be aware of the simplicity of a kind word and gesture and keep in mind, the deed doesn’t have to be much to make a difference and to create a change for a brighter humanity!