Seeking Inward

As I remembered my youth, I’d feel sadness. I came to see a disguise, but with a kind and loving heart. That loving heart never seized to be, but illness plagued me for many years to follow. I then said I love you despite the sickness that lingered time and time again. I realized seeking inward and loving oneself should be our true source and calling. Danny G.

The Essence Of Who We Are

We can consistently speak words of anger, pessimism and bitterness, or we can consistently speak words of compassion, optimism and forgiveness. Whatever we tell ourselves becomes the essence of who we are, and what we project. Danny G. 

Two Channels Within You

You have two channels within you at all times. One is of faith, optimism, compassion and anything positive in your life. The other is of fears, pessimism, bitterness and anything negative in the world. You can choose which one you listen to, and which one becomes your new reality. Danny G. 

Respond With Faith Optimism and Compassion

Every adversity has the power to overtake you if you allow it. It also gives you the ability and potential to respond. You can respond with faith, optimism and compassion, or you can react with fear, pessimism and bitterness. Whichever way you respond or reacts determines the rest. Danny G. 

The Genuine You

Don’t show me your religion, or your culture. Show me who you truly are, behind the facade. Behind the facade is what determines your true beauty, and perfection in a disguise that is meant to be revealed. This is what true kindness is, the genuine you, meant to be unleashed. Danny G. 

An Act Of Self Care

Letting go is an act of self care and love. When you let go, your mind is no longer bombarded with memories of the past. It’s easier to reflect and find that space of inner peace and clarity. Essentially, it’s saying I no longer need this suffering to weigh me down. I no longer need this suffering as a drive. I choose compassion and self care, and I allow it to lead the way. Danny G.  

The Key Virtues

If you want your higher self to rule over you, practice faith, wisdom and compassion. Everything stems from these key virtues. With faith, you believe in yourself and in God. With wisdom, you have discernment and guidance from your higher self. With compassion, you have love and kindness in your heart. Practice these virtues, and you’ll become the spiritual master you’re destined to be. Danny G. 

The Hero Within Them

The ones who suffer in silence and are still gentle, praise them. The ones who are betrayed and deceived and still show compassion, praise them. The ones who strive for greater despite everything holding them down, praise them. For this shows true character, determination and the hero within them. Danny G. 

A Respected Leader

Influence others the right way, through compassion, not fear. Motivate, don’t coerce or lie. Inspire, and be a source of wisdom and empathy. This is the path of the well respected leader who leads by love, and not fear. Danny G. 

Practice Faith Gratitude and Compassion

Whatever you practice and repeat over time, becomes ingrained in your subconscious mind. Practice faith, gratitude, compassion, and it becomes an expression of who you truly are. Be mindful of your conscious thinking, so your conscious mind becomes your subconscious mind. Danny G.