Compassion Forgiveness and Empathy

Compassion, forgiveness and empathy is for your well being. Holding on to negative attachments only hinders your personal growth and success. Letting go can be described as releasing the shackles beneath your feet, because not letting go is keeping you from fulfilling your desires and dreams. Danny G. 

A Unity Of Interconnected Beings

We cannot live without compassion, nor can we expand without compassion. Whatever change we make, we impact others by being our unique self. We are a unity of interconnected beings striving for peace and harmony. Don’t seek division, seek the greater you, which is love and compassion. Danny G. 

Seek Joy Peace and Compassion

Seek joy among all things and let this be your ultimate goal. For by seeking joy, peace and compassion, you add to the expansion of humanity. You lead by the clarity of your example and you know unity is the way. Danny G. 

Divine Intervention

God always has your best interest at heart. All it takes is faith and love in your heart to bring his blessings and intervention. With persistence and faith, your desires will come to fruition. Be still, listen, allow and receive it. Danny G. 

His Love Never Dies

You didn’t fall so deep that God cannot restore you, nor that God would cease his love for you. Embrace your uniqueness, and the authenticity that sets you apart from the rest. Never condemn your existence, nor the environment that brought you here. For it’s all part of the journey and plan to bring you back home. Danny G. 

Unity and Compassion

God is about unity and compassion. He isn’t about division and separation. A thought leader teaches we have the power and potential within. You are infinite intelligence in a body with the spirit that transcends all understanding. Leaders remind you of your power. They don’t teach you to seek outside yourself. They know the greatest power dwells in the limitless and infinite source that lives inside you at all times. Danny G. 

The Ultimate Best

Would a loving God punish us for eternity? Would a loving God say we are not worthy? Would a loving God turn his back against us? We create those misconceptions with our mind. God is about inclusion, not separation. God is about love, not condemnation. God is about freedom and free will. And we should seek his will, because we know it’s the ultimate best. Danny G. 

The Nature Of Compassion

The nature of compassion is to be of service. Compassion is inspired action to give what you have. It’s inner satisfaction for a kind gesture or deed. It’s the divinity you are in motion with a mission in mind to spread love to the world. Danny G. 

Seeking Inward

As I remembered my youth, I’d feel sadness. I came to see a disguise, but with a kind and loving heart. That loving heart never seized to be, but illness plagued me for many years to follow. I then said I love you despite the sickness that lingered time and time again. I realized seeking inward and loving oneself should be our true source and calling. Danny G.

The Essence Of Who We Are

We can consistently speak words of anger, pessimism and bitterness, or we can consistently speak words of compassion, optimism and forgiveness. Whatever we tell ourselves becomes the essence of who we are, and what we project. Danny G.