Acting Productively

The more you bury your emotions and allow them to linger, those feelings become you. The more you act on these emotions productively, you alter the course in your favor. If you can continually guide your emotions to more loving faithful thoughts, the greater the benefit you’ll feel in your life and future. Therefore, think loving faithful thoughts, and they will become the essence of who you truly are. Danny G. 

Reignite A Fire

God communicates with us in endless ways. Through the song you listen to about love, through the rainbow you see awaiting for a sign, through the poetry you read that resonates with your soul, through the film you see that changes your perspective, and through your loved ones for their loyalty, support and compassion. God speaks through his subtle voice and at times we disregard, not knowing it comes from him. We only have to remember, then the song will play again, and reignite a fire in the depth of our soul. Danny G. 

Greater Awareness and Peace

When you find the inner peace and joy that surpasses all understanding, you do not wish to change the past or rectify it. You know it brought you to this very moment. You know each season had a purpose and mission. You’re grateful for everything you learned and remembered in this physical plane. You know with this insight you can change your world, and shine your light for greater peace and love. Danny G. 

One With the Divine

Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.   

Planting the Right Seeds

Stop planting seeds of misery and heartache, for they will reap as you foreseen them to be. Plant seeds of faith, wisdom, and love. Every seed comes from a thought, or a word, or a deed, so ensure you plant the right ones for harvest time is waiting for you to call it forth. Danny G.  

Be the Eagle

Don’t feed the anger, honor it, embrace it, and use it constructively. Don’t feed the resentment, let go and act with love. Don’t feed the fear, reverse it by affirming the opposite. Feed the right emotions and let go of the old. Be the eagle who rises high above the stormy night. The turbulence doesn’t scare him, for he knows he can find that space of stillness, where the calm settles in with the bright sunrise. He can always find this space of stillness by spreading his wings and soaring. Danny G. 

Inevitable Success

Make sure what rules your mind and soul is of good nature from the divine. Dwell on God, its infinite powers, and loving compassion. The choice is always within you, so stop focusing on your lack and ego. Allow the divinity you are to transform itself into the greatest version of you, and your inevitable success. Danny G. 

Tend to the Inner You

You can become so immersed into achieving material wealth or attaining a life of luxury that you neglect your spiritual well being. Life is about balance, and it’s fine to want wealth, but don’t neglect yourself in the process. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is greater than you heart and soul. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is the only path to joy. Tend to the inner you, be the best version of you, seek balance, and then seek wealth, and allow it to come to fruition. Then you’ll give with love and gratitude in your heart, knowing it was God’s intention from the start. Danny G. 

Optimal Success

When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G. 

The Center Of Your Being

Deep at the center of your being lies peace that surpasses all understanding. Deep at the center of your being lies wisdom for the heart and soul. Deep at the center of your being lies compassion to spark change. Deep at the center of your being is the limitless infinite source and soul that you are, and that’s destined to be. Danny G.