Often when you step outside the box, people are going to be against it. They’re not going to understand. They’ll try to keep you in the safety zone out of insecurity. They may even laugh at you. Just remember that with a brilliant mind comes a different level thinking. Don’t allow their words to become your reality. Listen within, be authentic, be unique, and you won’t be bound by mediocrity, but by a new philosophy which will inevitably lead to your success. Danny G.
More Evolved
Everyone who belittles you, disrespects you or rejects you out of mere ignorance, be aware that you are more evolved, for you don’t need to feed your insecurities through arrogance and intimidation. Danny G.
A Change Of Perspective
All that’s needed is a change of perspective, to know that our prayers are answered, with an effort to stop thinking others are more fortunate than us, or they are more worthy and deserving than us. Danny G.
Mastering Your Reality
When you’re confident, worthy and full of faith, others only reinstate what you project. If you truly believed in yourself, others’ disbelief would not matter. If you are insecure, everything that people say or do reminds you of your insecurities. The secret to changing your outer world is to change your inner world. Have faith, know you are worthy and believe in the God or Goddess you are. When you master this, you master your reality. Danny G.
Inevitable Creation
Your self worthiness and confidence has a great effect on how you live your life. It defines your future, and your creation. Know you are worthy for expansion on every level and to achieve great things. It all starts with the image you project in your mind of yourself. Declare your worthiness, declare your confidence, and your inevitable creation. Danny G.
Dared to Believe
There was a time you stared at your monsters, filled with fear and intimidation. You couldn’t bare to look them in the eye. You saw yourself as unworthy, undeserving, and incapable. The fear was so strong you pleaded with them to let you go. The fear lingered for quite some time, and you allowed them to control you. You saw no way out but to surrender. Then an angel suddenly appeared whispering silently in your ear. The angel said all is well, you’re on the right path, and just continue to persevere. The fear turned into a fuel for courage and boldness, as you went to bed, with the monsters beneath your bed. As you were drifting into sleep, the monsters no longer scared you, as you remembered the whisper in your ear. Every time the monsters tried to wake you, you returned to the whisper in your ear. You then looked at them squared in the eye with no intimidation, just laughter at the fear you gave them. You then said an angel saved my life, and I dared to believe. Danny G.
The Power of Influence
The greatest power we have over our loved ones and others is through the power of influence. We cannot choose for others. They have their own agenda, and sometimes they make mistakes, and get into trouble. The best method to assist them is to remind them of who they truly are and what they’re capable of. Then it’s to have confidence in them, that they can do whatever they set their mind to. It’s to know they have the means to achieve it and it’s to know the universe is conspiring on their behalf. Danny G.
Needy for Love (Poem)
Stacey was a kind-hearted soul,
Wanting to make her mark in the world.
Happy and seemingly carefree,
Perky and everyone adored her.
Though she was upbeat at first,
She craved attention
And affection,
So much that it became her only obsession.
Her dad was a drunk,
Would get home from work,
Drink all night long.
Though she loved her dad,
As he was fighting his demons inside,
She knew there was much more to his disguise.
The more she craved his attention,
She felt empty inside.
She had this obsession,
For a man to love her
And guide her path.
She became needy for love,
Outside love became her only obsession
And joy.
She could not stop this obsession,
Until one day, she looked in the mirror
With a dismayed expression on her face,
And told herself,
Love is from within,
And knew, her life was forever changed.
The Bully and the Victim of His Plot (Poem)
Bullying is a term, actualized by insecure people,
Trying to intimidate or ridicule,
Based on external appearance.
For if they were aware,
What matters above all,
They wouldn’t focus on petty things,
That doesn’t define who they are.
They hide beneath true feelings,
In an attempt,
To appear strong among the rest.
They need to belittle, to appear superior
Among the rest.
Always trying
To avoid,
Their frailty and disguise,
So they hide beneath insecurities, all day long.
So tell me the truth,
That bullies can’t conjure,
Whose the most insecure of them all?
The bully, the victim of his plot.
Seeking Yourself First (Poem)
I met a girl,
Confused and afraid,
She had insecurities of her own,
The most beautiful woman I met,
Yet she couldn’t see it herself,
So she went looking elsewhere.
She was always looking for love,
In all the wrong places,
Thought she would meet a man,
Then all would fall into place.
She came in and out of her relationships,
Her dignity solely on her man,
And when she looked into her eyes,
She loathed herself,
And couldn’t say, I love you as you are.
She went looking for mr right,
None of them filled the void,
Man after man,
Only reinforced, what was lurking inside.
Then on one lonely Saturday,
Feeling confused and lost,
She went by the lake,
Wanting to be alone.
She said,
Out of mere frustrations!
I’ve dated every man on this planet,
Yet I cannot find one, that loves me back,
Every guy treats me like trash.
God said, love is a reflection of who you are,
They only mirror your thoughts,
So next time, seek yourself,
And Mr right will only
Reaffirm how you felt.