Seeking Yourself First (Poem)

I met a girl,

Confused and afraid, 

She had insecurities of her own,

The most beautiful woman I met,

Yet she couldn’t see it herself,

So she went looking elsewhere.

She was always looking for love,

In all the wrong places, 

Thought she would meet a man,

Then all would fall into place.

She came in and out of her relationships,

Her dignity solely on her man, 

And when she looked into her eyes, 

She loathed herself,

And couldn’t say, I love you as you are.

She went looking for mr right, 

None of them filled the void, 

Man after man,

Only reinforced, what was lurking inside.

Then on one lonely Saturday, 

Feeling confused and lost,

She went by the lake, 

Wanting to be alone.

She said, 

Out of mere frustrations!


I’ve dated every man on this planet, 

Yet I cannot find one, that loves me back, 

Every guy treats me like trash.

God said, love is a reflection of who you are,

They only mirror your thoughts,

So next time, seek yourself,  

And Mr right will only 

Reaffirm how you felt.

Your True Source is You (Poem)

We live our lives,

Depending on others,

To make us happy,

Because deep down,

We feel scared and frail,

And need approval,

From other souls.

We search for approval,

Through everyone but we,

Because the moment

Someone values what,

We cannot conceive,

We want more,

To escape the longing,

Inside our soul.

The longing becomes unbearable,

Each time we need approval,

We seek outside ourselves,

To bring only, what we can.

We don’t get to the source,

Which is our soul,

If we simply listen,

The answer is within,

The essential calling,

Of our soul.

The Soul and the Ego (Poem)

She is insecure.

Although on the outside,

She’s the life of the party,

That everyone loves.

An outgoing personality, 

Attractive and provocative,

She stops at nothing, 

And can get any guy she wants.


Inside she feels,

Afraid and Uneasy, 

So she puts on an act, 

To avoid revealing herself.

Hiding beneath true feelings, 

In an attempt to portray herself,

Normally among the rest.

She is afraid,

To acknowledge him,

To admit she admires him.

For he doesn’t seem her type,

So she puts on a disguise,

And puts on a show,

Because what matters to her most,

Is her ego, and not her soul.

Although on the outside,

She appears to be happy,

Inside she feels empty and lonely,

Fickle and relentless,

Always trying to avoid, 

The negative chatter and her voice.

So she puts him on hold,

Because what matters to her most is her ego,

And not her soul.

Discipline and Self Control

How do we master discipline? How does anyone master anything other than practice and repetition, and a determination to persevere to our goal.

How does a great ball player become a great ball player? How does a great stock broker become a great stock broker? How does a great father become a great father?

Mastering discipline means being in control of our thoughts, words and actions. When we’re disciplined enough to change our thoughts, words and actions when they’re not serving us, we’ve mastered discipline. We then take this practice wherever we go and it serves us. Every day we deal with a whole new set of circumstances and experiences in which we learn again how to gain self-control.

Lacking self-discipline can be described as an affirmation that we don’t have self-control. When we’re undisciplined we’re basically saying that our thoughts, words and actions are not in our control.

Ponder a subject in which you exercise self-control, and ask yourself why you have control over this subject, and not the other subject which you say is out of your control. If you have control over one matter, then you can have control over all matters since you use the same practice of discipline over everything. The only difference is your feeling of powerlessness on this subject in which you’re lacking self-control.

When we affirm we have self-discipline we’re changing our beliefs system into believing we’re in control. If we were to tell ourselves all day long we want to eat a piece of chocolate cake, what would eventually happen if we didn’t change our focus?

This applies to everything in life including the larger problems we believe are beyond our reach. If we keep focusing on something over and over again, we move towards it by law. If you were to tell yourself in your earlier years, I have discipline and self-control, I believe in myself, I trust myself, and I can do anything I set my mind to, would you be in the same place you are today?

If you say yes, I think I would still be in the same place as I am today, then you’re basically saying that your thoughts and words hold no power. If you say I believe I would still be in the same place regardless of how many times I spoke these affirmations, you’re basically saying I have no control. What do you have control over other than your thoughts, and the words you speak? Doesn’t all action stem from the thoughts and words you repeat over time?

What happens when we live with someone who lacks discipline all our lives? Many times, we begin to pick up on these traits, and if we don’t do anything about changing these negative patterns, they will eventually create our experiences. Don’t wait until the problem manifests before changing the underlying thoughts that created the problem to begin with.

Without discipline we can’t stick to anything because everything in life requires self-control in order to move forward. Everyone can have discipline, it just takes time, practice and perseverance to achieve our goals. This practice begins with the affirmation I HAVE DISCIPLINE