Focus on the Present Now

Stop focusing on the many years where you were lost and broken. Stop focusing on the days you were not self aware. Focus on your present now, and what you can do with it. The past can be a teacher if you let it, and your present now can be your new creation. Base your new creation as the new improved version of you, with history as your personal transformation. Danny G. 

Step Out And Step In

Step out of the confusion created by your mind. Step out of the pessimism created by your mind. And step out of the bitterness and fear created by your mind. All these negative emotions are self created, and it’s your reaction to environments and circumstances that defines everything. When you step out, you allow God to reveal his insights and wisdom, and you allow yourself to experience true clarity of mind. Living from this space is the way of the true masters. Living this way is the path to enlightenment and growth. All power is from within, and when you seek within, anything is possible. Danny G. 

Everything You Need

Don’t wait until you’re in the battlefield before seeking inward for your spiritual evolution. So many wait until they hit a disaster before practicing mindfulness, faith and wisdom. Then they get struck with confusion and doubt. They’re puzzled as to what path to take because they’re not prepared and ready. Prepare yourself by being mindful. Prepare yourself by having faith. Prepare yourself by seeking wisdom which has all the answers and solutions you’re looking for. Then when the battle lies before you, you will have the tools to overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

Seek the Internal You

People may affect your external self but they cannot change your internal self. Your internal self is spirit, and this energy cannot be changed or destroyed. When you find your external self is injured, confused or afraid, seek inward where all answers and solutions lies. The more you seek inward, the less your external self will be affected by the adversities of life. Seek inward enough, and you’ll be the master you’re destined to be, a spiritual warrior with the infinite intelligence inside bound to thrive. Danny G. 

Practice Mindfulness

The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G. 

Success and Happiness

When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G. 

Embrace the Unknown

Even if the path leads you to the unknown, or if it creates doubts and concerns that consume your mind, keep pressing through, despite the shackles on your feet, and the confusion that invades your mind. Eventually you’ll have your breakthrough, for persistence and faith always leads to your breakthrough, and victory. One day, you’ll feel a deep sense of gratitude for your persistence, and the simple act of unwavering faith. Danny G. 

Utter Faith

What is inside your inner world comes out at times, and sometimes the dark side reveals itself with the light. When you feel confused, lost, or bitter at the world, ensure you seek within and find the God or Goddess within you. The God within you would always act out of love, compassion and integrity. And the God within you would say all things are possible with utter and unwavering faith. Danny G.

Self Empowering Creator

Have perseverance and faith when tackling life’s challenges. When the challenge presents itself with confusion without an answer in sight, remember your source and creator.  He has all the answers available when you seek within and allow his wisdom to guide you. Listen to your intuition, and allow the divine to unfold his miraculous works. When you do this, nothing can stop his divine will, purpose and dream. The power is in your hands as you create your destiny, and write the script. Danny G. 

Faith in the Inevitable

Quiet your mind and let go of any preconceptions, misconceptions and contradictions. When you take a step back away from the noise or chaos of today, you’re receptive to all the answers you’re looking for. You’re receptive to all the good that is awaiting for you to claim yours. Your mind cannot have clarity with confusion, so reflect, surrender, and have faith in the inevitable. Danny G.