The Algorithm Of Life

You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.  

Destined To Be Yours

Exploring is essential to experience, freedom, and growth. Foolishness is forgetting actions have consequences and misfortunes. Don’t be confined to your cage, roam with peace and love in your heart. But always remember with wisdom comes joy, and an everlasting peace destined to be yours. Danny G.

Completion and Perfection

There is no right or wrong, there are only benefits or consequences to your actions and behavior. Know it’s a learning experience through trial and error, and make sure you enjoy the journey and make memories. Don’t give in despite the stormy night, for when it’s all said and done, it will feel like completion and perfection in your eyes. You’ll look at it from afar and say, although treacherous and forbearing, it’s a work of art, and I’m glad I embarked. Danny G.

Healing and Grace

Believing actions hold no consequences is not healthy. Accepting you’re a human being on a spiritual evolution bound to fall from time to time, is reality. Being human shouldn’t be an excuse to fail without a sincere heart, but it should be a reason to forgive as well. Every great man and woman failed at times, but the one common precursor was they truly believed in their worthiness, power, and grace. Danny G.

Creation and Karma

You set your own rules of the game, but always remember actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Make sure you create something meaningful, something you’re proud of, and something that makes you happy. Isn’t joy the reason we want anything? Therefore, creation is precious, karmic, and it should always include what brings the ultimate joy, not sorrow. Danny G.

Choose Wisely

Actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Our loving father, God, would much rather you get the rewards then the negative consequences through your poor choices. If you don’t pay any attention to your thoughts or actions, you will end up living a lie, which is essentially, a life of many troubles. If you’re pessimistic, persistently fearful or you behave carelessly, you will face the consequences, not because God loves you any less, but because God gave you the gift of free will, and you chose poorly. God is a spirit of love and compassion, and anything other than this definition, is not from him. You are an extension of God through the unique soul that you are. Anything that is not love is not who you are. Your soul chooses God and compassion, not the choices that would steer you off your divine path. Danny G.

Acceptance and Imperfections

I believe actions have consequences and we are to be the best version of ourselves and do good unto others. However, believing that we’re not worthy because we haven’t achieved a state of perfection would be denying or forsaking God’s own creation. Danny G.

Letting Peace be the Empire

There’s no right or wrong decision, as life is a learning game to discover ourselves and experience the world through all forms of expressions. The only wrong choice would be not learning from our mistakes and repeating the same mistakes again and again. 

However, actions have pros and cons, benefits and consequences. When we don’t consider the benefits and consequences of our choices, we act on impulse and we end up with a life we don’t want and many troubles. 

Impulse doesn’t consider the benefits in the decision, it only seeks to satisfy this present moment. Impulse doesn’t foresee the consequences, it only seeks to satisfy this present moment. 

When we live carefree, not paying any attention to our choices, years down the road or perhaps sooner, we end up with a life we don’t want. When we assess our options, and we choose what resonates with our inner self and not merely our senses, we feel inner peace and joy.

If we let inner peace and joy guide us to our ideal choices, we will not be disappointed. What other guidance do we have that we can depend on? Have you ever had a choice to make and the logical choice just didn’t feel right? You had two options and one choice made complete logical sense, but you felt uneasy about it. The other option didn’t make logical sense, however, you felt peace about it. How many times do we choose the logical or expected choice given the circumstances, and we end up regretting it? Then we say I should have went with my gut.

There’s a reason why all the masters say,  let peace be your empire, and if you don’t feel peace about it, don’t act on it. Same applies if you feel peace about your decision but it doesn’t seem logical, act on it. 

How many great achievers were told not to pursue their passion and to give up, and they were constantly reminded they didn’t have what it takes. How many great achievers faced all types of adversities and failure, yet they prospered in the end. They prospered because they believed in themselves and they knew they could do it. If they would have given up because of failure, criticism or adversities, they would have never fulfilled their dream. 

The criticism and obstacles didn’t keep them down, as they listened to their inner guidance and wisdom. They chose the path that brought them joy despite everyone telling them it wasn’t logical or worthwhile. 

Most people have their own expectations of logic and conformity for your life. They try to push their beliefs and expectations on you because in their mind, the choice or dream doesn’t seem plausible. Out of compassion, they want what’s best for you, so they try to persuade you. They think they have your best interest at heart, however, only you know what’s best for you. 

You know what brings joy, inner peace, and happiness. You know what you’re passionate about. You know what feels right and what doesn’t. Choose what brings inner peace and joy, don’t conform to others’ expectations of you. 

The best approach for decision making is to contemplate our actions and let peace be our empire. It’s by trusting our inner guidance and knowing peace will not lead us off course.