You can entertain anything with your thoughts, either negative, or positive. Whatever you entertain will eventually seep into your reality. Spend time contemplating and reflecting on your desired outcome. Think of it as writing a script and having it played on the movie screen of your mind. It can either be a meaningful, uplifting movie, or it can be its opposite. Recognize the importance of guiding your thoughts to joy and fulfillment, and you’ll get the essence of your every desire. Danny G.
Intuition from the Divine
Every challenge and adversity speaks to our soul on some level. Some people embrace it, move forward, and thrive. Others allow the challenge to control them, while allowing the tide to overtake them. There are the ones who listens to the situation, contemplates, reflects, and turns their mountains into an achievement that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G.
Savor It
Moments pass, and years accumulate,
Into a world we once perceived.
Nevertheless, it’s all creation
As though an artist paints and moves the clay.
We stand still, in silence,
We can hear the music play,
The music plays in harmony
Of the present, past,
Smudges of paint
And some a masterpiece.
Some moments vanish,
But memories still remain,
As we contemplate
Those distant memories again.
Some brings joy,
And some sadness,
Always lessons and wisdom
Contained within.
Let’s sit here, appreciate
What it brought the journey within.
But let’s never forget
To savor it all,
And that includes the gift of today. Danny G.
Focus on A New Chapter
Our present is our creation from yesterday. The more we contemplate it, and act on it, the more we perpetuate it, whether negative or positive. If you want to create a better today, focus on a new chapter, and declare it into being. Don’t allow yesterday to rewrite the script, be the leader, and ultimately change the course. Danny G.
His Unlimited Supply
Why is quieting the mind so beneficial? Because when you quiet your mind, you’re no longer putting a strain on your mind to get it right or to find the answers. It’s what allows you to just be present in the moment, and at peace. For sure there is a time for contemplation and action. But when your mind is bombarded with all your worries and concerns, it zaps your energy and vitality. Therefore, it is well said that he who quiets the mind finds his strength through God and his unlimited supply. Danny G.
Reflection and Refocusing
Sometimes we don’t learn the universal truths until the challenge is so great, it overwhelms us. Let’s spare time for reflection and refocusing even when life is great with no issues to bear. With contemplation and faith, it’s always enough to shift the tide in our favor. Just don’t wait until the storm is so great, it consumes you. Danny G.
Speaking to the Storm
We don’t pay any attention to our thoughts and actions, then we end up with a life of many troubles. We act on impulse then realize we should have thought it through. We constantly focus on the negative, then we end up unhappy or depressed. If we can contemplate our thoughts and actions, we would avoid trouble and distress. Contemplation is key to acquiring wisdom, and not letting the storm sweep us away. With contemplation, wisdom and faith, we speak to the storm and make it vanish. Danny G.
Overwrite the Script
I look at you, accidental befall, how did you get to this distant mile? Did I ponder you from afar, and believe in your existence? Did I look at others and say this misfortune could happen? Then as I contemplated I’m still here and eager for more. I then take this opportunity as a premonition, and I overwrite the script. Danny G.
Contemplation is Growth
When I look back on the journey of my life, I realize the only times I grew was when I looked beyond the ego lenses, and expanded my view. The times I grew was when I was mindful despite the pain, and mindful despite my ego desperately wanting to pull through. Danny G.
Politics and Contemplation (Poem)
We don’t understand the concept of it all.
We’ll reject it or embrace it,
With nothing but a smirk on our lips.
Everyone is an enemy,
Or so we’re taught
To behave this way.
Bashing each other,
To win some contest
Of better or not.
We create havoc among each other,
Without a means to an end.
We insult, criticize,
Based solely on appearance.
We rather have the master,
That speaks tongues
And embraces himself in vain.
We choose him rather than
True values at stake.
We choose him because he’s a man,
Underestimating every women in the world.
We don’t understand the true meaning of politics.
What it can do for a nation.
We rather bash each other,
And blame,
Then contemplate our motives at stake.