Don’t allow the need for perfection to make you inactive. Don’t allow procrastination to become your home. Embrace the imperfection and contrast, and know that it’s your reaction that defines everything. Don’t look to achieve perfection, look to create, to co-create, and to produce meaningful change. Every great spiritual master didn’t live perfect lives, but they took their imperfection and passion to achieve their desires and change the world. Danny G.
Seeing the Depth
Love accepts contrast and imperfections. Love doesn’t insist to be right, or to have the final word. Unconditional love is loving despite the many flaws and weaknesses. It’s seeing the depth underneath and the potential within. Danny G.
The True Freedom
Accept the contrast and the imperfections. Accept everyone has their own journey of transformation and reason for being. Accept everyone is unique and we all have our share to create a brighter humanity. When you accept this, you no longer fight the system and you experience the true freedom of being, and letting others be, while leading by the clarity of your example. Danny G.
Collaboration and Union
Acceptance, collaboration, and union is key to create a greater world. Contrast and diversity is needed to create meaningful change, accept one another, and work together to create peace and harmony. When we all unite for the purpose of co-creation, we know the universal forces are guiding us every step of the way to a brighter world and ecosystem. Danny G.
New Beginning and Journey
When you dwell in the land of uncertainty and doubt, or you dwell in misconceptions and contrast, keep your eye onward towards acceptance and light. Keep your eye onward towards transformation and love. Keep your eye onward towards triumph and victory. For you know you always write the script, and every single day is a new beginning and journey. Danny G.
Faith in the Inevitable
Quiet your mind and let go of any preconceptions, misconceptions and contradictions. When you take a step back away from the noise or chaos of today, you’re receptive to all the answers you’re looking for. You’re receptive to all the good that is awaiting for you to claim yours. Your mind cannot have clarity with confusion, so reflect, surrender, and have faith in the inevitable. Danny G.
Life Cycles Of Triumph
Be solution oriented, don’t be problem oriented. When you’re focused on the solution, you’re focused on faith, and possibilities. When you’re problem oriented, your mind cannot get passed challenge, and you find yourself in a pit that is difficult to overcome. Hold the vision in your mind of your breakthrough or success, and don’t allow the contradictions to steer you off course. Be aware everything comes from within, and when you find that place of stillness in the depth of your being, you know all is well, and everything works out for good in the end. You know in your soul that true inspiration and change is constantly unfolding for the miraculous life cycles of triumph. Danny G.
Compassionate Source and Power
Whatever you project, you receive, so make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, in a world of myriad facets. Know that this very energy has a way of making its way back to you, as a thank you from this compassionate source and power. Danny G.
Meant to Catapult You
Don’t fall prey to life’s current reality and challenges, for they were only meant to catapult you into your divine destiny. Every journey has uphills, trials, and contrast, but don’t allow them wear you down incessantly. Allow them to mold you, change you, and redefine you into the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.
Masterpiece in Imperfection
Your environment doesn’t create your future, but your reaction defines everything. You mold your present and future with your persistent thoughts, words and actions. Just like a beautiful flower can bloom in a garden of weeds, you too can bloom exactly where you stand. Therefore create a masterpiece in the midst of imperfection and contrast. Danny G.