The universal force and source that transcends the universe lives inside you. God, Jesus and Buddha live inside you. You can tap into any energy that you desire when you seek God’s will and alignment. God gave you free will to experience, explore, learn and grow. You can tap into positive energy or negative energy. Whatever you dwell on and pursue becomes your experience. Like a magician uses his mind to create entertainment, like the lost soul uses its earthly power to hurt and cause suffering, and like the righteous man uses his mind for divine purposes. Everything is self created and all positive creation stems as godly source’s infinite and limitless intelligence. Create deliberately knowing your greatest art is your free will. Danny G.
Your Gift Of Imagination
Your imagination is a gift from the God or Goddess you are. Every idea, inspiration and invention came from imagination. Your role is to take action to your dream, have faith it will flourish, and never give in. Danny G.
Your Gift and Potential
You can be bored, or you can be productive with your creativity. Boredom is complacency. Creativity is what you came forth to be, and it’s the opposite of boredom. Every time boredom grabs a hold on you, remember creativity is your born giving gift and potential. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion and Creativity
Some people suppress their emotions for a lifetime, while others face them head on. You can suppress your emotions through illegal drugs, alcohol or gambling, or you can do things that fulfill your soul. That slippery slope of addictions may feel good for the moment, but it soon vanishes with feelings of emptiness and bitterness. Follow your passion and creativity and focus on productivity. That slippery slope will only steal your time, but following your passion and being productive with your time, will uplift your spirit. Danny G.
Our Power to Create
Our future is in our control and power to create. Infirmities and limitations are not meant to determine your life story. Don’t allow other’s opinions to rule over you. Be the minority who beats the odds. Be the one who breaks the boundaries. Everyone has a different perception and it’s up to you to create your own perception. Create a perception of faith and optimism. Be strong enough to say, I don’t allow others and limitations to define me. I can focus on the infinite, limitless energy and source of God. Change your outlook about your limitations and you change your life. Infinite means possibilities. Limitation is a perception, and perception can change by discovering your full potential. Danny G.
You Define You
The world may try to paint a different picture of you or your future. Persuasion may grab a hold on you leaving you inactive and complacent. Don’t allow the exterior world to define you. You define you and what follows next. Danny G.
You Define Possibility
Impossibility is self created. What was impossible a century ago is possible today. We beat survival, and we beat the odds on so many levels. You define what is possible. You define your limitations, and the power of faith. Be the deliberate creator you are, and create your own reality. Danny G.
Recreating From the Unknown
If you want to create a new you, forget who you were yesterday. Take the good from yesterday and evolve from that, but use your history as a vantage point to create yourself anew. You’re always growing, and yesterday’s flaws and weaknesses don’t need to keep replaying in your mind. Learn from it, expand with it, and remember that every discovery starts by recreating from the unknown. Danny G.
Smile At the Intensity
Smile at the intensity. See it as under your feet, resolved and evolved. From any vantage point, you can create anew. You can be the Phoenix who rises from the ashes, moves beyond it and thrives. Danny G.
Self Created
The enemy is self created and self perpetuated. The more you seek your subconscious, you realize your inner dialogue. That inner chatter becomes your current reality. That reality changes when we change our subconscious mind. We must unite our subconscious mind with our conscious mind. In time, greater self awareness and transformation occurs, which is all part of our spiritual evolution and journey. Danny G.