The Miracle Creators

We are the creators of our miracles through the divine. It’s not merely an outside force creating the miracles for us. It’s the power of our mind, body and spirit to create miracles. We create miracles through faith, wisdom and persistence. Enough positive energy projected into a desire, the desire manifests. This power is always within our control, and it remains inward where source, the ultimate intelligence remains at our finger tips. Danny G. 

All Originate From the Divine

We all come from an infinite energy, a spirit that transcends the universe. Denying this source is denying yourself. Embracing it is discovering your ultimate potential, power and the deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

You’re the Artist

See yourself as the artist you’re born to be. You’re meant to create, to discover yourself anew, and to transform into the Phoenix you were created to be. The pen is in your hands and the canvas lies in front of you, so get up, and paint the vision you hold in your mind. Don’t waver, and let it unfold as you created it to be. Danny G. 

Simply A Creation

Your illusionary demons are your creation. You can create positive experiences, or you can create negative experiences. What you resist persists. Let the opposition create strength, faith and persistence. The spirit that transcends the universe is much more powerful than any negative creation. This spirit lives inside you at all times. Remember this when you grapple with peace, and know the infinite source is greater than any adversity before you. Declare you’re simply a creation, and I change you now. Danny G. 

An Expression Of Who You Truly Are

All of us are born from source with creativity. We only have to pursue it to unleash its greatest benefits. Let your creativity be an expression of who you truly are, and let your creativity shine through for yourself and the rest of the world. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

We are a repetition of our every thought, word and action. Our present is molded by our past, and our future is molded by our present. Danny G. 

From Past to Creation

What we are is a culmination of everything we have lived from birth. It’s a combination of our thoughts, words and behavior over time. We can say we are a set of memorized thought patterns and behaviors. Only when we step into the unknown, we recognize our true power and the deliberate creators we are. Danny G. 

Always Expanding

God’s laws cannot be extinguished. They always have been and always will be. Your role is to utilize them for your benefit and for others, and to expand with them. God’s laws says I am, and you say I am, and therefore you add to the whole. You grow and by doing so, so do others since we’re all interconnected. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, it was just a different season, and every day is a new creation and a new expansion. Danny G. 

Define Who You Truly Are

You are not a slave to your circumstances, environment or conditions. You’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane destined to leave a mark on this generation. Don’t allow the adversities to shape you, speak to them, and allow your reaction to define who you truly are. Danny G. 

See It Come To Completion

A suggestion or impression has no power over you unless you accept it as fact. You can program your mind with anything you want, so why let others choose for you? There’s a myriad of impressions out there in the world, so choose which ones resonate with your heart and soul. Don’t become immersed with others’ misconceptions, allow your creation to unfold with God’s plan for your life, and see it come to completion. Danny G.