If you could only see all the universal forces around you, waiting to assist you, you would never fear, nor would you feel broken. You would know your power, your part in creation, and without a doubt, you would feel loved, and cherished. Danny G.
Acceptance and Creation
Comparison should give us reason to choose and create. However, it should never be an outlet for feeling superior over another. For some people something is positive, for others it’s considered negative. For one nation something is great, for another nation it’s mundane. There is no superiority, there is only contrast and preference. There is only what we choose to be and create. There is only one in many different forms, which all has a place for the expansion of humanity. Don’t condemn, just be and allow others to be who they choose to be, wherever they choose to do so. Danny G.
Your Role and Power
You create your mission and journey, as no one is creating for you. Just make sure you include God in your plans, and allow him to lead the way. When you seek his will, you know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and you allow the universal force to get to work and unleash its magic. Danny G.
Faith Opens the Door
Pessimism and fears, create your life story, and all the so called negative experiences. You’ve been pushing them down for so long, you forgot you created its very existence. Don’t be stagnant and complacent with your thoughts, create intentionally, and expect wellness and success, while knowing, faith opens the door to all abundance. Danny G.
Seeking Balance and Growth
Life cannot be a constant high with no battles to fight. Nor can it be a constant low without you creating the essence of those thoughts. Therefore seek balance, where contentment and joy lies. Embrace the journey, with all the falls and detours. For without it all, there is no journey, and without it all, you wouldn’t have a reference point for choice and creation. Danny G.
Perfection and Perception
Perfection can mean two things. It can mean being your best where you are with what you have. Or it can be the impossible task of getting everything right and never falling. With the former, you have control, and you choose your reaction. However, the latter will never give you the power to create and ultimately the gift of the journey. Danny G.
Contrast and Growth
Do not condemn preference or contrast, for preference or contrast creates the world and individuality. Without it, there is no humanity, and without it, there is no universe. Just like a bouquet of flowers, you can choose your preference, and like a buffet, you can choose your preference. One doesn’t make the other wrong, it just adds to the whole. Therefore, do not condemn others preference or contrast, just choose your own, and allow humanity to choose their own. For without it there is no creation. Danny G.
Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.
Creation and Illusions
At one point in time, you were so vibrant, so lively, so fun to be around. Then you let others turn you into someone you’re not. You allowed their lies and misconceptions to take root, as you allowed them to control you. Slowly and gradually, your worthiness and value slipped, into a pit so deep, their misconceptions became yours. After wondering in a drought for so long, and pondering life’s misconceptions of you, you took a deep pause of reflection and faith, and tossed aside your created illusion. You said all is well, at my father’s hand, and I’ve been dwelling in the illusionary land. I now declare my rightful land, as I seek within, from the father’s land. I don’t allow others to alter my course, nor do I allow the word of treachery and cruelty to rule me. I’ve been down this path before, I won it in my mind, so be it in life. Danny G.
The Voice Within
You make mountains out of molehills by your incessant perception of can’t dos. You fail to realize that taking a step back, and seeking within, would summon the answer you’re looking for. It would remind you of all the possibilities, your power and part, in creation. The voice within would smile at your perseverance, and it would incessantly say, I CAN! Danny G.