Praise and admiration should feel good. The only problem lies when we become dependent on admiration for our own happiness. Danny G.
Your True Source is You (Poem)
We live our lives,
Depending on others,
To make us happy,
Because deep down,
We feel scared and frail,
And need approval,
From other souls.
We search for approval,
Through everyone but we,
Because the moment
Someone values what,
We cannot conceive,
We want more,
To escape the longing,
Inside our soul.
The longing becomes unbearable,
Each time we need approval,
We seek outside ourselves,
To bring only, what we can.
We don’t get to the source,
Which is our soul,
If we simply listen,
The answer is within,
The essential calling,
Of our soul.
Focus On The Mental Pattern
One of the biggest challenge to being an addict is looking for an escape to numb the pain. Instead of taking a medicine to heal, you revert to street drugs, which only perpetuates the problem or makes it worse. Your healing should come from within, not through a chemical. The drug only distracts you from your problem, and then you feel the need to continually distract yourself, and you never deal with the problem to begin with. Focus on the mental pattern that created this dependency, and distract yourself with an activity that will be beneficial for your overall well-being. Danny G.