Smile at your struggles, and accept it’s just part of being human. Don’t allow your struggles to control your mind and heart. When you make peace with it, you learn the power of letting go and allowing source to shine through you. Accept you’re a work in progress, destined for greatness, meant to leave a mark on this generation. Accept life’s imperfections while knowing it’s your choice to create a beautiful piece of art. Danny G.
Courage Faith and Persistence
Don’t allow the environment and adversities to overtake you and win the battle. Speak to your mountain, and declare what’s rightfully yours. For every breakthrough began with courage, faith, and persistence to see it through. The battle didn’t wear him out, for he allowed it to mold him into the essence of who he is, and what’s destined to be. Danny G.
Destined To Be Yours
Exploring is essential to experience, freedom, and growth. Foolishness is forgetting actions have consequences and misfortunes. Don’t be confined to your cage, roam with peace and love in your heart. But always remember with wisdom comes joy, and an everlasting peace destined to be yours. Danny G.
A Harvest Destined To Be
Up above the foggy drift, there is a light amidst the darkness and storm. If you look within, you’ll find guidance from up above. A steady stream moving you towards safety, and a harvest destined to be yours. Danny G.
Creating A Masterpiece
It all starts with a baby step, then it catapults into your every desire. The one aspect that brought it forth was your very thought and intent. Therefore, know that your baby steps are serving a purpose, and they’re vital in creating a masterpiece, destined to be yours. Danny G.
A Unique One Of A Kind
Know in your heart you are a god or goddess in human form, a unique one of kind destined to leave your mark on this generation. Don’t doubt your power, and potential, for the most powerful force in the universe is guiding you to your ultimate best, growth and triumph. Danny G.
The Master of Your Destiny
As you envision your journey in the years to follow, make sure you’re optimistic, and faithful despite the battle. For there will be battles, but if you persistently dwell on them, you allow them to control you, and you give them your power. Then your journey follows its course in the essence of your thoughts. Your are the master of your destiny, creating with your imagination and wisdom. Therefore, envision your end result as you want it to be, and you’ll be the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G.
Unique Journey and Triumph
Intuition comes from within, not from an outside source. Seek within and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for, from the infinite intelligence. Who would know best other than the one who created you, lives in you, and is in every particle in the universe? Your uniqueness defines who you are, what comes next, and your ultimate potential. And your inner guidance is destined for your unique journey and triumph. Danny G.
Joy and Freedom
Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.
Taking A Leap
Don’t wait until the storm passes by before taking a leap into the unknown. Don’t wait for a perfect moment to move forward and thrive. Don’t wait until you convince yourself otherwise. Be the leader, choose your life path with joy and gratitude in your heart. When you follow this path, you’re destined to change your life, and the world in which ever way you choose. Danny G.