Focus On You First

There’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first, since you cannot help others if you lose your alignment. How many people lose their balance if they do everything for others and they do nothing for themselves? People often become depressed if they neglect themselves in the process of trying to help or please everyone but themselves.

We need to keep a balance and do those things which allow us to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes all that’s needed is a little time to unwind doing something that relieves stress and brings joy.

Stress is the number one factor in creating disease, so wouldn’t spending time unwinding be logical to remain healthy? Exhaustion is another reason people develop health conditions. Sometimes all that’s needed is more time distracting ourselves from everyday problems. How many people can you help if you’re not in alignment? And how much assistance can you be if you’re not in alignment?

You’ve been programmed to believe that sacrificing your happiness is the correct way to live, and the noble thing to do. You’ve been programmed to believe life is about helping and pleasing everyone but you. You’ve been pressuring yourself to believe there’s only one way to live.

Think a different thought such as how many people can I help if I am in alignment? You keep your balance by being spiritually connected since you’re a spiritual being who needs to remain connected to its source.

You remain healthy and ready to tackle your problems by keeping a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and sleep. Most important it’s by being spiritually connected through meditation or prayer, or anything that allows us to connect to ourselves on a spiritual level.

Why have we concluded the noble thing to do is sacrifice our happiness for others? I understand there is a level of sacrifice that we should do for others, however, there is also balance. I understand many people have traumatic events in their lives with their loved ones, and they need to put more time and energy for their family or friends sake. But don’t make the mistake of neglecting balance, since there is always a little bit of time we can reserve for ourselves to recharge the battery, and live more meaningfully.

We have no control over others other than the influence we give them through the clarity of our example. We can pray for them, we can teach them, but ultimately it’s their life and choices. Focus on you first and then you’ll be in a much better place to make a difference in the world and in the lives of your loved ones.

Discipline and Practice is Key

What is gaining mastery in your life? Everything takes discipline and practice. How does a pro ball player become a pro ball player? How does a great stock broker become a great stock broker? Everything takes persistent practice and discipline. Without discipline, you can’t stick to anything and without practice you never unlock your true potential. Gaining mastery can start with the simple affirmation, I have discipline, and I will keep my eye on the prize until my desire manifests! Danny G.

The Only Obligation

The only obligation in life that is inevitable, is death. Everything else is a choice, so why try to end the only unavoidable part of life? We try to end our life through our own will and deep down we know we’re still supposed to be here. In our heart, we know as long as we have breath, we’re supposed to be alive. Danny G.

Reprogram Your Mind

Think, speak and act on what you know is the truth, and what you want to create in your life. Even if your mind is pulling you in the opposite direction, if you continually think, speak and act on what you know and want, you’ll reprogram your mind and beliefs. This will in time create a new and improved reality of your choosing. Danny G.

Limitations Are Self Imposed

Don’t ever lower your standards or think you’re incapable because of your infirmities, for you are much more than a physical or mental ailment. In the world of the infinite, there are no infirmities and limitations, as they exist only in the mind. You are an extension of the world of the infinite, bound for success! Danny G.

Caring for Self

One of the biggest problems of today is not an addiction to foods or drugs, it’s a belief that says I don’t care about my body. If you cared deeply about your longevity and health, would you willfully take a substance that would disallow well-being? Start with the statement I care about my longevity and health, and keep on repeating it until you cannot take anything that would disallow well-being. Then you’ll say, I don’t care how tempting it is, I care too much about feeling good to let this addiction take control.

Danny G.

The Origin Of The Dependency

One of the biggest problems to being an addict is trying to solve the addiction through sheer will power rather than the thoughts that created it. Every addiction starts with a persistent thought that eventually spirals out of control, and makes you feel powerless. Until you realize the origin of your dependency, you will not truly be healed. Focus on the thought first, then actualize your goal, and then you will truly be healed. Danny G.

Focus On The Solution

What is playing the victim game? Does it serve any purpose? Does it bring anybody true joy and satisfaction? Usually the victim game falls into one of these three statements: you’re basically telling the universe, I’ve got it rough, or nobody understands me, or life will always be this way.

I understand life can be difficult at times, and there is a time for letting out our frustrations to receive guidance, but venting has to stop somewhere down the line. If we don’t stop venting we’ll either remain depressed or we’ll attract whatever we’re complaining about.

Which is the best alternative? Do you want someone to tell you, you’re in control of your life, and I know you have what it takes to get through this and succeed? Or do you want someone to sit in front of you saying it’s awful that you have to go through this, I can’t possibly imagine going through something such as this? What’s better? Complaining about our life, or blaming others for our misfortunes, or saying I’m in control of my life and I will get through this and succeed.

If our thoughts and words create our reality then which words would you rather affirm? Words that are empowering and uplifting or words of pessimism and bitterness?

We must look at our motives when talking about our problems, and ask ourselves am I looking for a solution or am I magnifying the problem? When looking for a solution there can be benefits from talking to someone about our problems, because our mind is focused on the solution and we’re projecting this message in the conversation, therefore, we draw in the solution.

But if we’re pessimistic and only focusing on the problem, we’ll start expecting and planning for the worst case scenario, thereby attracting it. I understand releasing our frustrations can be therapeutic, but once we release our thoughts, we should let it go. The only benefit in releasing one’s thoughts is to identify them, as it’s easier to change them when we known what they mean.

The only benefit there is in listening to someone’s problems is giving sound advice and focusing on the solution and not the problem. Sometimes we believe compassion should be a shoulder to cry on, listening to problems all day long, and nodding in agreement. Yet can a solution occur if we simply nod in agreement to thoughts of pessimism and bitterness?

True compassion is saying I believe in you, and I believe you’ll get through this, and I believe you’ll do something great. But the only way I can help you is by reminding you you’re in control of this situation and by letting you know the universe is on your side.

What do you truly want, a shoulder to cry on for a few minutes or maybe a few hours? Or do you want someone to say, let’s work this out, and I know we’ll get there? Playing the victim game will never get you anywhere, but looking for a solution will eventually lead to more solutions and achievements, and eventually your breakthrough.

Being Steadfast

What happens when we walk into an exam room completely oblivious and not prepared with what will be on the exam? We feel anxious, we doubt ourselves, and we worry about not passing the exam, which is normal because we haven’t studied. Same goes with life, and the challenges we face on a daily basis along with the goals we set for ourselves. If we’re not prepared and ready to withstand the challenges of life, we risk failing, and giving up all together.

We’ve heard the saying, mindset changes everything, so if we’re completely oblivious on how to handle the obstacles on our path, how do we not waver? How can we believe in our well being or prosperity, if we’re not confident, and we have no reason to believe in ourselves? We all need wisdom in life, to make good choices and to become the greater version of ourselves. Without wisdom, we have no guidance or direction and it’s the circumstances and experiences in life that will decide for us.

Having the right mindset means focusing on our source and the solution. It can be health challenges, relationship challenges, career challenges or any future endeavours. If we don’t spend time refocusing our thoughts, or reflecting, we will be clueless when we face the trials of life. Then we end up failing, when a little bit of contemplation and refocusing would have changed the course.

Only when we focus on the solution and we prepare ourselves mentally by changing our thoughts, we are able to handle whatever comes our way. We can have all the knowledge in the world, but if we lack wisdom and we don’t know how to handle adversities and challenges, the knowledge won’t do any good.

We’ve heard the parable of the two men who built their houses, one of them built his house on a rock while the other one built his house on the sand. When the storm came in, the house on the rock was still standing while the house on the sand fell. The parable says we are to build our house on a rock to withstand the storm. This simply means being prepared and solid to withstand times of adversity, by immersing ourselves in the truths that govern humanity.

All we need is a few minutes every day devoted to our spiritual relationship with ourselves. Five, ten or fifteen minutes of meditation or refocusing allows us to face challenges in life with greater ease and wisdom, and the adversity isn’t as overwhelming.

When we are prepared for the exam, we’re confident, and successful. Same applies in life, and the everyday day challenges and the opportunities for growth. If we devote time for our wellness and growth, we will be confident and successful in life. The adversity will teach us valuable insight that will be beneficial for the next challenge or endeavour.

Discipline and Self Control

How do we master discipline? How does anyone master anything other than practice and repetition, and a determination to persevere to our goal.

How does a great ball player become a great ball player? How does a great stock broker become a great stock broker? How does a great father become a great father?

Mastering discipline means being in control of our thoughts, words and actions. When we’re disciplined enough to change our thoughts, words and actions when they’re not serving us, we’ve mastered discipline. We then take this practice wherever we go and it serves us. Every day we deal with a whole new set of circumstances and experiences in which we learn again how to gain self-control.

Lacking self-discipline can be described as an affirmation that we don’t have self-control. When we’re undisciplined we’re basically saying that our thoughts, words and actions are not in our control.

Ponder a subject in which you exercise self-control, and ask yourself why you have control over this subject, and not the other subject which you say is out of your control. If you have control over one matter, then you can have control over all matters since you use the same practice of discipline over everything. The only difference is your feeling of powerlessness on this subject in which you’re lacking self-control.

When we affirm we have self-discipline we’re changing our beliefs system into believing we’re in control. If we were to tell ourselves all day long we want to eat a piece of chocolate cake, what would eventually happen if we didn’t change our focus?

This applies to everything in life including the larger problems we believe are beyond our reach. If we keep focusing on something over and over again, we move towards it by law. If you were to tell yourself in your earlier years, I have discipline and self-control, I believe in myself, I trust myself, and I can do anything I set my mind to, would you be in the same place you are today?

If you say yes, I think I would still be in the same place as I am today, then you’re basically saying that your thoughts and words hold no power. If you say I believe I would still be in the same place regardless of how many times I spoke these affirmations, you’re basically saying I have no control. What do you have control over other than your thoughts, and the words you speak? Doesn’t all action stem from the thoughts and words you repeat over time?

What happens when we live with someone who lacks discipline all our lives? Many times, we begin to pick up on these traits, and if we don’t do anything about changing these negative patterns, they will eventually create our experiences. Don’t wait until the problem manifests before changing the underlying thoughts that created the problem to begin with.

Without discipline we can’t stick to anything because everything in life requires self-control in order to move forward. Everyone can have discipline, it just takes time, practice and perseverance to achieve our goals. This practice begins with the affirmation I HAVE DISCIPLINE