Master of Destiny

You can distract yourself into oblivion never getting to those deep rooted questions that lie underneath. You can focus on everything you’re not, and forget about your soul and untapped potential within. You can forget about your source, its love for you, and its inner guidance steering you to your divine calling and purpose. Regain your power, make it your own, while knowing you are the master of your destiny, and God is always guiding you, and shedding his light for you and humanity. Danny G.

Distraction the Best Healer

When I focus on the fear and pain, I magnetize it with my own eyes. Then the fear and pain becomes greater, only to pierce my fuzzy eyes. When I distract myself from the thought and sensation, I return to peace, where divinity lies. By regaining my inner peace, I become me again, and realize, perception is where wisdom lies. Danny G.