God’s Compassion

Often, when it feels like life will never change, something on the horizon is manifesting without any evidence of it. If you give up, you’ll never know. If you persist with faith, you’ll find out that when nothing was happening, everything was happening. God loves you. Danny G. 

Already Won

There can be thousands by your side saying what doesn’t resonate with your soul, and there can be just a few who resonate with your soul. Whatever is in alignment with God wins. For his will cannot be thwarted, nor can it be reversed. By faith, the battle is already won. Danny G.  

Unexpected to Surprise

At times when you’re embarking on a journey of personal discovery, what you think is ideal for you may not be. Source, your higher self knows what you need at this particular time. He can see the big picture. Lighten up, chin up and allow the unexpected to surprise you. Danny G. 

The Greatest Power

God, source, the creator knows what’s inside your heart and soul. He knows that you are worthy. He loves you unconditionally. He lives inside you, therefore, he is eternally you. Know this when you face hardships and trials. Call the inner God or Goddess within you when you feel overwhelmed. For the greatest power in the universe dwells inside you all. Danny G. 

Never Fall Too Far

God is not an external source. He is within everyone and everything. You never fall too far to lose him. You never fall too far to miss him. An you never fall too far from his unconditional love. When in doubt, look within yourself, for God resides in your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Meant To Be Shared

The universal spirit gives us life, and it’s the spirit that continues to live within us. The goal should be to seek alignment with this powerful source. When we do, we operate out of our inner wisdom and intelligence. This spirit gave you gifts and talents to discover. It’s up to you to allow the inspiration to drive you forward. Do what gives you passion, enthusiasm and excitement. Whatever that is, it’s meant to be shared with the world. Danny G. 

My Dominant Emotion

Being in the eye of the storm is embracing the divinity you are. It’s embracing your power and faith. It’s embracing that stillness inside you that says even though everything is in chaos or disorder, I control my mind and direct my soul. I choose peace to be my dominant emotion. Danny G. 

Yesterday is Your Confirmation

If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not believe today? We believe in the miracles of the past, but we fail to believe in our unique abilities, faith and wisdom. Don’t look at yesterday as unattainable. Look at yesterday as confirmation. Danny G. 

Always on Your Side

God is a source of love and compassion, so his will is joy and happiness for all of us. He desires our freedom and exploration to discover ourselves, our uniqueness and authenticity. Our full potential can only be discovered with God in our life. Self awareness is knowing the universal source is always on your side. Danny G.