When you’re strong and secure in who you are, you’ll never fall astray. What others say or do will not enter your heart and soul. You’ll be so confident and faithful of God, that others perceptions or lies will only bring you to greater truths. They’ll act as a catapult for you to reach new heights. Danny G.
God’s Capable Hands
Stop living according to the lies and misconceptions of others. Somewhere in your physical trail, you began listening to those who belittled you or mislead you. You took it as your own, neglecting your inner guidance and wisdom. Return to that voice within from the divine, and know you are in God’s very capable hands. Know this energy is within you, guiding you, and saying YOU CAN DO IT! Danny G.
Complete Worthy and Capable
The ego is an act of separation from the divine. It acts merely out of the human self, and it never feels complete and worthy. Recognizing your depth, your soul and the divinity you are is essentially realizing your power and who you truly are. When you act from this space, you feel complete, worthy and capable of achieving all odds. All great creation, harmony and unity comes from this space of egoless acts. All authenticity comes from this place of worthiness and compassion. When you know this fully, you’re able to shine your light in your unique and authentic way. This creates the new version of you and your newfound life. Danny G.
Realize Your Power
Stop condemning what is good and what you’re worthy of. You say you don’t deserve it because you’re not worthy. You say you don’t deserve it because of your failure and past mistakes. And you say you don’t deserve it because you haven’t lived up to the grandest version of you. Nobody reaches the mountain top without falling from time to time. Embrace the journey of ups and downs, but don’t let the downs define you, and recognize the divine being you are. Danny G.
Reignite A Fire
God communicates with us in endless ways. Through the song you listen to about love, through the rainbow you see awaiting for a sign, through the poetry you read that resonates with your soul, through the film you see that changes your perspective, and through your loved ones for their loyalty, support and compassion. God speaks through his subtle voice and at times we disregard, not knowing it comes from him. We only have to remember, then the song will play again, and reignite a fire in the depth of our soul. Danny G.
In Sync With the Universe
When you practice the laws that govern the universe, you live as the true masters. You’re in sync with the divine, and you know you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions. You know your thoughts and emotions create your life story. They don’t control you, as you’re completely aware of your power and guidance as you steer the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G.
Faith and Optimism
When you’re living in survival mode and fear, your mind contemplates the worst case scenarios. When you’re living in faith and optimism, your mind focuses on your capabilities and possibilities. The power lies in your hands with whichever path you choose. Be productive with your thoughts and action steps, and allow God to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
One With the Divine
Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.
Let Go and Allow Source
Nobody is locked anywhere, for whatever current situation you’re in, there’s the solution and answer you’re yearning for. If you stop resisting and fighting, the solution will present itself with faith and persistence. Let go and allow source to manifest it for you. Danny G.
Creating With the Divine
Why do you doubt the one who created you, who lives inside you and all the universe? For if he created you, he surely wanted you here. If he created you, it must have been out of love. If he created you, he must have had good intentions. Don’t believe life is coincidental or merely evolution. You’re here in this physical plane to discover yourself anew. You’re here to discover your potential within and the power you have through faith. You’re here as the deliberate creator creating with the divine for your ultimate will, purpose and dream. Danny G.