All Interconnected

God is not on the outside of you and the universe. God is in every particle and species in the universe. When you declare God is on the outside, you declare separation. God is unity, male, female, humanity and every particle in the world. Whatever you give or share to another, you also give to yourself, since we are all one in many different forms. Whatever growth you achieve, you grow for humanity at large. We’re all interconnected, so know your role serves a purpose in the expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

Aligned With the Divine

You create all sorts of arbitrary assumptions about God and the world. Your assumptions become your beliefs, expectations and experiences. Don’t allow these assumptions to rule your mind and soul. Only when you accept them as truth, they become your experience and life. Create your own assumptions, and ensure they are aligned with the divine, and then watch it play back as the new reality you created in your mind. Danny G. 

Alignment With God

Know God is all the good in the world, the infinite and limitless intelligence that transcends the universe. Whatever is good is of God, therefore, align yourself with the divine, be optimistic and full of faith that God will see you through, and cause you to thrive. Danny G. 

Act With God

Ego magnifies the challenge, while the divinity you are has faith that can move mountains. When you act out of your ego, you cannot see passed your challenge, but when you act with God, your faith makes ways that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G. 

Within Your Reach

Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G. 

Affirmative Prayer

God birthed the desires of your heart and soul. Know that those desires that resonate with your soul is from the divine within you. Your action step is through affirmative prayer. When you pray, see it through your minds eye, and then allow it to come to fruition. Danny G. 

God in Human Form

You’re a God or Goddess in human form, and whatever wisdom, enlightenment and love comes from the God within you. You are an ambassador of the divine, imparting your gifts and knowledge to the world for the ultimate expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

Infinite Supply

Don’t seek to barely get by. Don’t seek mediocrity, or merely having your needs supplied. Seek God for all his abundance, prosperity and infinite supply. Seek him in all you do, and he’ll provide you with his limitless blessings and favor. Danny G. 

Nothing Can Pull You Down

Reverse your negative affirmations, so they may be in alignment with the divine. Our thoughts are a stream of affirmations, whether negative or positive, so ensure your thinking resonates with your higher self. When it does, you live as the God or Goddess you are, and nothing can pull you down. Danny G. 

The Greatest Affirmation

The greatest affirmation one can speak is I AM. When you declare I AM, you affirm the God or Goddess within you. For God is the great I AM, as you are also. Be selective and receptive when you declare the rest, and know that your faith and action steps brings it to fruition. Danny G.