Inevitable Success

Make sure what rules your mind and soul is of good nature from the divine. Dwell on God, its infinite powers, and loving compassion. The choice is always within you, so stop focusing on your lack and ego. Allow the divinity you are to transform itself into the greatest version of you, and your inevitable success. Danny G. 

Optimal Success

When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G. 

Love and Peace in Your Heart

Instead of seeking recognition and wealth, seek self worthiness and God. Worthiness of yourself and knowing you are worthy by God, is the best means of achieving success and wealth. And when the wealth and success manifests, you know it’s God’s will, and you know you achieved it with love and peace in your heart. Danny G. 

Changing Gracefully

Embrace change, and do not cling to the past. Every moment is a new creation from the divine, and the God or Goddess you are. Not embracing change is not embracing the inevitable perpetuation of life. Every great and wise man didn’t allow the fear of change to control him. He allowed himself to change gracefully, with time on his side to create deliberately and productively. Danny G. 

Conquering Mountains

The origin of ego means edging God out. That means when you act out of your ego, you’re not being who you truly are. You’re a God or Goddess in human form, divinity housed in a physical body. Act like the God or Goddess you are, and with this knowledge, you can conquer mountains before you. Danny G. 

Your Passion

Find a passion that lifts your spirit, and that calls you to action. Whatever you do, it should be an expression of who you truly are. Whenever you pursue your passion, you should feel in alignment with the divine, in complete balance and harmony with your unique purpose and mission. Danny G. 

Unleash Your Creativity

The divine dwells in possibilities and creativity. Whatever you do, do it with passion in your heart and soul, and know source is providing for you to unleash the vision in your mind. Break free from your limitations, and allow the creator to reveal his insights and action steps, to release your potential and gifts. Danny G. 

Claim Your Success

Find a spiritual practice that resonates with your soul. Find spiritual teachers that resonates with your core. In time you’ll see progress and personal growth. Every action that stems from the divine has rippling effects if you persist with faith. Don’t let the adversity cause you to give in, speak to your challenge, and claim your success. Danny G. 

God is Unity

God is not a God of separation. When you act out of separation, or superiority, you are not acting from the divine. God is unity, compassion and love. When you understand this, your humility shines through, and you do good works inspired by the divinity that you are. Danny G. 

Perception Changes Everything

You can see this world and humanity as merely evolution and happenstance, or you can see it as creation from the divine and all its interconnected beings. You can see it as chaos or havoc, or you can see it as your opportunity for growth and unity. Perception changes everything including you and all the lives you touch. Danny G.