I’m at peace with you uneasiness and pain, whether you leave today or remain for a while. For now, you are my driving force to expand in my spiritual journey and be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G.
Walking Steadfastly
Everything you need will be provided at the right time. Don’t fret the future, enjoy the present, make memories, and walk steadfastly to your dream and purpose. Stop trying to figure it all out since the divine works in miraculous ways, and his ways are infinite and limitless for his perfect will and purpose. Trust the process, and find all the strength you can muster up. When you believe and don’t give in, he will intervene for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Simply A Remembrance
Don’t beat yourself down into a rabbit hole with no means of escape. Appreciate where you are, look around at your own creation, the good, the bad, and recognize it’s all part of your divine journey. Acceptance is key to feel peace with yourself, and acceptance is key to release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to moving forward with joy and gratitude in your heart, knowing the burden was simply a remembrance of your ultimate potential and gifts. Danny G.
Alignment With the Divine
Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G.
Let Love Lead the Way
Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at times. It’s our reaction to anger that defines who we are and the unfolding of our lives. Anger also affects all the lives we touch, so let’s not act on revenge, bitterness or pessimism, since those emotions all cause separation. Separation is not an act of God. Love creates union and a peaceful world. Love casts all fear. Let love lead the way, and let God be the loving source he always was and always will be. Danny G.
The Ultimate Provider
Don’t fill a void by abusing your body. Fill that void by self love and honoring your body. Fill that void by seeking within to discover your true power and potential. Fill that void by being in alignment with the divine, because when you’re in alignment with source, the ultimate provider, that void cannot exist. Danny G.
Divine Journey
Don’t punish yourself for your imperfections, falls and detours. They were all part of your divine journey. See it as a lesson learned from the depth of your soul. A lesson imprinted in your heart to unleash the greater you, and discover your full potential. Danny G.
Accepting Freedom
Freedom is acceptance. Acceptance of ourselves, the unknown, and our outer shell. It’s accepting that adversities are simply a part of life. It’s moving beyond them and creating a masterpiece despite the shackles trying to press us down. It’s moving beyond the egotistical self and realizing our power through the ultimate divine and infinite intelligence. Danny G.
Being At Peace With the Unknown
Be at peace with the unknown, and know this is the best vantage point to create. For you cannot create out of sameness, and out of sameness comes complacency and dullness. Therefore, embrace the unknown, be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and allow the divine to unleash its favor, abundance, and success. Danny G.
Ambassador of Hope
Don’t fight the system, be pro peace, be pro prosperity, and be pro abundance. By fighting the system, you only perpetuate the ongoing battle of conflict and war. Be an ambassador of hope, peace, and abundance, so you may shine your light to those in need, and so you may fight the battle the compassionate way, the only way the divine intended us to, from the very beginning. Danny G.