Mysterious Works

The universe works in mysterious ways, and it has the perfect timing to bring about the greatest change. We can say the works of the divine are in perfect order, and it always has our best interest at heart. It knows how to orchestrate it all in your favor, for you, your loved ones, and humanity. Danny G. 

Your Innermost Desires

Believe in the God or Goddess you are, living in this miraculous body, in the jungles of time and space. Whatever one has achieved, so can you, and whatever hasn’t been done, you can set the new standard on your earthly mission. Be deliberate, and intentional, and allow God to manifest your innermost desires, and triumph. Danny G.

Having Faith Despite the Fear

Being bold and courageous will have moments of fear and doubt. However, it’s moving forward despite the shackles pressing you down. It’s knowing God will intervene for your greatest  good, and it’s realizing nothing is too great for the Great I AM.  It’s knowing nothing can stop the course of his divine will, purpose, and dream. Danny G.

Untapped Potential Within

Just when you thought it was a dead end road, God opened up a new door you never knew existed. For when you were too focused on the mountain, confusion and doubt invaded your mind. When you took a step back, quieted your mind, you remembered your source again. You realized the infinite and limitless source you serve, and your untapped potential within. Danny G.

Create With Passion

If this source of God loves you as you are, unconditionally, why wouldn’t he have your best interests at heart? If he dwells inside your heart and mind, why wouldn’t he give you the answers? Your doubt blocks it, but your faith welcomes this life force to surge through your body, and create intentionally with passion. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.

The Limitless Source

Every invention came first from an idea. Every breakthrough came first from persistence and faith. Every recovery came first from a belief that it can be done. Therefore, know your power and part in creation. Know the limitless source you serve, and the infinity of the universe, and that nothing is impossible with the great I AM! Danny G. 

Your Breakthrough

Everything came first from a thought. Every success or failure came from thoughts. Every creation came from imagination. Therefore, we have control and power through the vision we hold in our minds. We have control and power through the stormy night and the mountain top. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are, and let your thoughts lead you to your breakthrough, and magnificent sunrise. Danny G. 

The Authentic Soul

Focus on you, the depth of your being, and allow God to mold you, and change you. Don’t live in disguise, and don’t allow others to steer you off course, or convince you of their truth. Be the authentic soul you truly are, that lives inside you, and that’s destined to be. Danny G.

Magnificent Harvest

God is aware of everything you need on this present day and the years to follow. He knows your heart’s desires, your true potential and power. He knows how to orchestrate it all in your favor, and for humanity. Don’t doubt, trust his power, and allow his spirit of faith and peace to lead you to a safe haven, and magnificent harvest. Danny G.

Unleash the Giant Within You

My words are recollections of what you knew within the depth of your being. They’re meant to unleash the giant within you. Put them into motion with your thoughts and boldness. Step into action with your vision at the forefront, knowing nothing is too great for the God or Goddess within you. Danny G.