Would a loving God say only one is anointed, or that anyone can be anointed if they choose to be? Does God anoint others, or do we anoint ourselves with God by our wisdom, faith and compassion? If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not today? Danny G.
The Only Wrong Path
Would a loving God only give you obligations? Would he not allow you to question further and choose what resonates with you? Out of your mere genuineness and yearning for truth, is it an offense to experiment and explore? We create our own rules and obligations through our misconceptions and preconceptions. The only wrong path is not following your uniqueness and authenticity. Danny G.
The Great I AM
Would God the great I AM who created the universe out of utter perfection not have good intentions for humanity? Would God the great I AM say there’s nothing we can do about the calamity and world peace and the so called diseases of this planet? Would a God who said I can do all things, be limitless to anything you desire? Danny G.
The Grand Awareness
This grand awareness that we call God, created everything including every particle in this universe, so there should be no doubt as to his power in your life, and in the universe. Can there ever be an answer that remains hidden from this infinite intelligence? Danny G.
Global Peace
Divinity expresses itself in many facets. From the musician who writes beautiful lyrics. From the lawyer who fights for freedom. From the philosopher who teaches wisdom. From the caretaker who cares for the sick. From the politician who fights for the oppressed. Divinity doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Divinity is humanity reaching a helping hand. Divinity is humanity supporting and enforcing global peace. Danny G.
Your Soul’s Desire
The soul’s desires is to experience itself fully through the divinity it is. Have faith, gather knowledge, experience and remember your origin. Freedom is essentially what the soul desires, and when seeking freedom and God, you cannot get it wrong. You’re fully aware of your soul’s purpose, and you know it’s aligned with the divinity you are. Danny G.
Your Spiritual Essence
You can always find your way back by embracing the spiritual being you are. Get to the root cause when you lose yourself. Replace it with unwavering faith, a genuine knowing of your spiritual essence. Danny G.
The Duality of the Universe
There is order and there is disorder. There is fairness, equality and there is injustice and discrimination. There is faith and there is fear. This is the duality of the universe. You choose what to advocate. Choose to be a light in the darkness. Choose to be an ambassador for peace and creating positive change. Danny G.
Your Greatest Asset
God yearns for your inner peace and happiness. From this space of peace and happiness, you’re more receptive to the signs from your source. You’re in a better place to reach out a helping hand and change the world for the divine, you and your loved ones. Danny G.
Greatness Lies Before Me
When divine opportunities come knocking at your door, don’t question your worthiness. Take inspired action. It’s time to say, this was not a coincidence or happenstance. This was my indication that I’m ready for more. I’m ready for new beginnings and greatness lies before me. Danny G.