Joy and Freedom

Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.

Allowing the Infinite Intelligence

Open your eyes and see there are many roads to Rome, and many ways to heal, and grow. There is so much contrast, with so many voices trying to pull you one way. Each voice is vying for your attention, as you chart your course. Perception can always change, when you allow the divine to unleash the infinite intelligence. Danny G.

Claim It Now

When opportunity knocks at your door, believe in your worthiness, and can do spirit. You worked so hard to be where you are today, after long hard nights, perseverance and faith. You flourished and called it your own, now you’re standing next to it, so claim it now. Danny G.

Believe and Persevere

Steer away from anything that blocks happiness and spiritual growth, for anything that hinders joy and growth, does not come from God. Guard your heart, and know that with it, you can flourish and move mountains if you simply believe. Danny G.

Your Power and Untapped Potential

Release all pessimism, fears, and bitterness, and allow God to unfold what he has in store. He has unlimited favor and abundance waiting for you to claim yours. If you simply just be and allow his spirit to lead, you’ll be astounded by your power and untapped potential within. Danny G.

Your Power

If you could only see all the universal forces around you, waiting to assist you, you would never fear, nor would you feel broken. You would know your power, your part in creation, and without a doubt, you would feel loved, and cherished. Danny G.

A Plan from the Start

You fall because you’re an imperfect being treading the path of imperfections. You fall because sometimes temptations exceed the gift of wisdom. You fall because you’re a work in progress bound to know yourself better. You’re a work of art awaiting the finished product, while still treading in the land of imperfections. But once the work is done, you’ll look at it from a distance, the bright colored canvas, with all the oily paintings you created. You’ll smile and say, it all worked itself out, and God was still with me in the rocky beginnings, and inevitably, he had a plan from the start. Danny G.

The Honorable Man

The honorable man stands by his side with complete awareness he is worthy and valued. He knows God will intervene if he needs it. He knows he is in good standing, and nothing can take away the crown on his head. He also has a healthy respect for himself, to not let others make him feel less than who he is. And he knows honesty isn’t a sin, it’s self respect. Danny G.

Karma and Intervention

Whatever you project, you receive, and whatever is projected towards you, whether positive or negative, karma intervenes. So don’t be the referee, turn it over to God, and know God favors you, and anoints you, when you act out of love. Danny G.

Divine Purpose

You chose this mountain because climbing it would spring forth the most miraculous sunset among the greatest sky. You chose this mountain because the end product resonated with your very core. And you knew if you persisted, the victory was inevitable and breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.