The Miracle Creators

We are the creators of our miracles through the divine. It’s not merely an outside force creating the miracles for us. It’s the power of our mind, body and spirit to create miracles. We create miracles through faith, wisdom and persistence. Enough positive energy projected into a desire, the desire manifests. This power is always within our control, and it remains inward where source, the ultimate intelligence remains at our finger tips. Danny G. 

Divine Intervention

God always has your best interest at heart. All it takes is faith and love in your heart to bring his blessings and intervention. With persistence and faith, your desires will come to fruition. Be still, listen, allow and receive it. Danny G. 

Always Remember

Always remember that the storm will surge in at times, and the mountain may seem insurmountable sometimes. As the God or Goddess you are, nothing can pull you down, and nothing can intervene as you’re destined to triumph. Danny G. 

Divinity Expressed in Physicality

Many of us are asleep to who we truly are. We believe we are our genes, a product of our environment and a physical evolution. Though everything plays a part in our journey, we are much more that physicality. We are extensions of the universal spirit that transcends the universe. Our capabilities and abilities are limitless. Our limits are self imposed. Our reality is self imposed. We are creators of our destiny as we march boldly to our next pursuit and victory. We are spirit. We are powerful. We are enlightenment. We are divinity expressed in a human body. Danny G. 

Are You Being You?

Don’t live your life wanting to be someone else. You are unique, you are authentic and your true self is meant to be shared. Imagine a conversation you have with God right now. Imagine God asking you, are you being you, or are you being a replication of someone else? Ponder these words, and go out into the world knowing it’s ok to be you. Danny G. 

All Originate From the Divine

We all come from an infinite energy, a spirit that transcends the universe. Denying this source is denying yourself. Embracing it is discovering your ultimate potential, power and the deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

Your Meaning and Value

You create your own meaning and value to life with the divine. You become your predominant thoughts, words and actions. You are the master of your destiny. Create boldly, knowing the universe conspires on your behalf and looks out for your ultimate best. Danny G. 

The Nature Of Compassion

The nature of compassion is to be of service. Compassion is inspired action to give what you have. It’s inner satisfaction for a kind gesture or deed. It’s the divinity you are in motion with a mission in mind to spread love to the world. Danny G. 

Waiting to Conspire on Your Behalf

Never think that the divine is outside of you. Remember your origin, the laws that govern humanity, and that faith and love conquers all. The infinite intelligence dwells inside you, waiting to conspire on your behalf for the expansion of all that is. Danny G. 

Always is and Always Will Be

You may be afraid of death, however, the divinity within you is never afraid of dying. Divinity knows all relationships are eternal, and divinity knows there is no separation from others or God. Divinity knows the power in unity, interconnection and the universal spirit that always is and always will be. Danny G.