Seek His Guidance and Will

The divine lives inside you at all times, for without that spirit of God or a soul, you cannot exist. The soul gives you life. Remember this when you fall or have a setback. Know this spirit still dwells inside you, and all you have to do is seek his guidance, his will, and you will conquer. Danny G. 

The Power Of Faith

Faith is the motivation we need to achieve our desires. Without faith in yourself or in a higher power, you wouldn’t believe in yourself, nor would you believe you can achieve anything. It all starts with an idea, an inspiration, or an insight that motivates you to action, and that’s where faith begins. 

With enough faith, inspired action calls you without hesitation. Faith is also knowing the source within you has all the answers and solutions you’re looking for. Who would know best other than the one who created you and that created the universe? 

This source or creator is one of love, so he always has your best interest at heart. When you’re in alignment with this force, anything is possible and anything is within your reach. Faith is the answer to all your questions and solutions. It’s the answer to the desires of your heart. 

When you ask a question to the divine, you must have faith, he will answer. When you ask him for a solution, you must believe there is a solution, and you must have faith in the infinite intelligence. 

The desires of your heart are birthed by the divinity you are. If they weren’t possible, God wouldn’t have birthed the desire within you. What is having faith? It starts with three things: thoughts, words and actions. 

Your thoughts are of faith when you dwell on possibilities and the power of the infinite. Your thoughts are of faith when you affirm, or speak about your desires as though they’ve already manifested. It’s aligning your thoughts and words with the divinity you are. 

The final step is recognizing when you’re ready to take action. It’s recognizing the opportunity and following inspired action. Inspired action feels like ease and peace. It feels like the next logical step. Let peace be your empire, and as of Tao would describe it, let yourself be lived by it. 

The Observer With Compassion

God is the observer with compassion for you that does not cease to exist. He is constantly with you, guiding you and speaking to you through experience and wisdom. He’s not an outside source, he lives inside you and all of humanity. He’s not a God of separation, he is unity and he leads through peace. Know your part is to act out of faith, compassion and peace, and he will intervene as you declare it so. Danny G. 

The Divine is Guiding You

God, the compassionate, ultimate provider and creator, can answer any prayer you yearn for. Don’t underestimate his power and compassion for you. He has your best interest at heart, and he knows how to orchestrate it all for your greatest good and calling. Claim what’s yours, that the divine is guiding you, and allow it to flourish. Danny G. 

An Expression Of the Divine

You are an expression of the divine in the jungles of time and space. You are bound to experience who you truly are, a spiritual warrior destined to thrive. Whatever you give out, you receive back. Give joy, and you will receive joy in return. Love life, and compassion will follow you wherever you go. Practice unwavering faith, and life will show you the power of your mind. Danny G. 

A Simple Idea

A simple idea can change your life. How does anyone achieve greatness in their lives? It comes from insights, inspiration and motivation. Enough insights and the inspiration will motivate you to action. Create with the divine, knowing source is orchestrating it all in your favor, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G. 

Focusing on Your Passion

Focus on what brings you greatest joy and fulfillment. Focus on your passion, on what lifts your spirit. Be your source of inspiration and motivation, and the path will unfold for you. Trust that the divine is walking with you, guiding you and causing you to triumph. Danny G. 

Release the Misconceptions

Release the contradictions and misconceptions that surround your outer world. For when you attach to the misconceptions, you cannot allow and embrace the new. Your outer world can attack your inner world if you allow it to. Seek your inner world, your inner truth and alignment with the divine, and your outer world will reflect your inner world. Danny G. 

The Path Of Wisdom

Wisdom doesn’t force things into being. Wisdom allows the divine to unfold seasons in its timing. It doesn’t cling to what’s no longer working. It clings to the new vision of itself. Wisdom contemplates, reflects and seeks God’s will above all things, because wisdom knows God’s will is the ultimate path and ultimate best. Danny G. 

The Oneness We Are

Any egotistical act doesn’t fulfill your heart and soul. Even when you do achieve success through the ego, you’ll always feel a void within the depth of your being. A void that wants to achieve more through the ego. A void that is not fulfilling for the mind and soul. A void that is non essential to fulfilling your desires. When you have a desire, act from the divinity you are. Act from the source of unity and peace that you are. When you do achieve success through this ultimate power, that void will dissipate and you’ll act out of the oneness we truly are. Danny G.